Gym Warrior
Program Overview
Dr. Seedman's designed his Gym Warrior program for high-level athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, figure competitors, and advanced fitness enthusiasts-who want to maximize performance, fitness, physique appearance, muscularity and overall functional muscle mass. This program is not for the faint of heart as it focuses on improving all areas of human performance including: muscle hypertrophy, strength, power, force production, speed, explosiveness, agility, cardiovascular conditioning, metabolic conditioning, stability, mobility, movement mechanics (movement efficiency), and overall muscle function. In addition it is also very conducive for maximizing body composition, fat loss, and overall leanness.
Table of Contents
With this program you have Dr. Seedman's personal blueprint for addressing all aspects of human performance: health, strength, stability, mobility, fat loss, and muscle gain. Nothing is left to chance.
Dozens of proprietary training protocols included for optimal results.
Increased lean muscle mass, power, force production, movement mechanics, and speed gains after just several weeks.
Increase metabolic conditioning and decrease body fat significantly in less than 3 weeks.
Optimized for body symmetry as program addresses size, strength, and definition in all major muscle groups
Increased energy, mood, health, immune function, and sleep patterns.
Can be easily modified to 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 days per week by simply adding in a rest day wherever it’s needed and simply continuing on in normal fashion as though you did not miss a day.
Includes elements of training geared towards athletic performance, bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and more.
Gym Warrior
If you're an advanced lifter in need of a jump start to your side and strength gains then this is the program for you. This routine includes the same high-end techniques and training protocols Dr. Seedman uses with his professional athletes and advanced clients. The foundation of this routine is predicated on improving muscle function by addressing and correcting movement mechanics. As the individual's level of muscle function and movement mechanics progress all biomarkers of performance including strength, size, speed, power, and other markers will improve. If you want to take your training to the next level and unlock significant results look no further than Gym Warrior.
All movements include video demonstrations and exercise tips to guide the user through proper form and technique execution, ensuring optimal mass gains.
The program protocols are based on research and practical application that Dr. Seedman has successfully used with his own athletes and bodybuilding clients.
The program can be modified to a 3, 4, 5, or 6 day/week training routine by adding rest day wherever it’s needed.
While designed for experienced trainees, this can also be used by intermediate beginning lifters provided appropriate weight selection and exercise modifications are employed.
This routine is designed to last a minimum of 12-16 weeks and can be repeated after a brief training layoff (4-7 days of active recovery and rest).
Significantly increase hypertrophy, strength, and power while also body composition in as little as 3 weeks.
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Upper Body Blast
This intense upper body template is designed for targeting hypertrophy and strength in your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. If upper body gains have stalled or slowed than you're in need of the crazy boost this program packs. Transform your body from a lowly mortal to an adonis!
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Lower Body Blowout
This elite lower body template is designed for targeting hypertrophy and strength in quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, feet, and ankles. If you're tired of stick legs, flimsy/sagging hams, and/or glutes so flat that you could use them as a ruler than this is the program for you.
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Core Blitz
This ultimate abdominal template is designed for building core strength and definition. If you're tired of looking down and seeing that blob of irritating fat obstructing that sexy six pack than look no further. Simply, this training routine is the ultimate 6 pack developer - period!
Not sure which product to purchase?
Finding the perfect program for your training goals and body’s needs is never an easy decision. Never fear though because we got you covered 😃 Check out our detailed buyer’s guide, ensuring you achieve the gains, benefits, and results you desire.