- Eccentric Isometrics & Beyond -
Groundbreaking Book & 30+ Training Programs on Transforming Movement & Exercise
Movement Redefined
Digital Ebook on Transforming Movement
Dr. Joel Seedman is pleased to announce the release of his industry-changing and life transforming book, Movement Redefined. Having embarked on this formidable writing task nearly a decade ago, Movement Redefined represents Dr. Seedman’s life work and magnum opus. Throughout this 600+ page book and 30+ training programs, Dr. Seedman lays out, step-by-step, the science and practical application of everything he’s documented during his 20+ years of extensive research and industry experience, including his time working with professional athletes to general populations. This isn’t simply another product or book from Dr. Seedman, this is THE BOOK everyone in the industry has been talking about for the last several years as it represents the cornerstone of Dr. Seedman’s work with ECCENTRIC ISOMETRICS and neuromuscular re-education. Movement Redefined is guaranteed to change your views and approach to training, performance, health, exercise, and fitness as it will undoubtedly challenge everything you’ve ever learned and read in the fitness industry. Indeed, Movement Redefined teaches you how to transform exercise for Advanced Human Performance. Unfortunately, the fitness industry has been largely responsible for perpetuating many lies, myths, and misconceptions over the years that have facilitated a number of physiological consequences that not only impede performance, joint health, and quality of movement, but have also promoted inflammation-induced pathological conditions that impact our entire physiology. Movement Redefined exposes these lies and uncovers the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This undoubtedly represents the paradigm shift the fitness industry has been in desperate need of for many years.
Movement Redefined
Digital Ebook on Transforming Movement
Throughout this book, Dr. Seedman leads the reader step-by-step through hundreds of research studies as well as experiential data demonstrating just how important proper movement mechanics are and how it impacts everything including quality of life, performance, physique appearance, and overall health and wellness. He also demonstrates why and how eccentric isometrics and other proprietary advanced training methodologies provide the necessary solution for this common debacle. Just be warned, once you go down this path it will be impossible to return to having a neutral viewpoint on training principles as Dr. Seedman uncovers profound hidden truths and physiological mysteries that have perplexed not only the exercise science community but also the medical field for decades. To quote Dr. Seedman and his re-phrase from a famous film, “You take the blue pill and decide you’re not interested in this book, the story ends. You wake up in your fantasy world and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill and read this book, you stay in reality, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth.” Simply, if you choose to read this book and implement its 30+ training programs, be prepared to have your body and mind transformed forever!
About movement Redefined
With Movement Redefined, you’ll get Dr. Seedman's groundbreaking work across eccentric isometrics, movement, and muscle function including:
600+ PAGE BOOK: 600+ page book on eccentric isometrics and Dr. Seedman’s groundbreaking work on movement transformation
30+ TRAINING PROGRAMS: Holistic eccentric isometric training templates and workout programs with accompanying instructions and protocols
100+ EXERCISE VISUALS: Over 100 figures and detailed illustrations, demonstrating proper mechanics, joint angles, and body positioning for all the basic human movement patterns and eccentric isometrics
DR. SEEDMAN’S DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: Over 100+ pages of Dr. Seedman’s original doctoral dissertation, “Comparison of Resistance Training,” which examines the physiological and neuromuscular mechanisms of resistance training and the effects eccentric isometric protocols have on transient measures of muscle function
Chapter 1: The Journey
Dr. Seedman lays out his personal journey in the fitness industry starting from his undergraduate days all the way through his PhD and beyond. He also explains how he arrived at his various movement concepts, training protocols, and methods as well as what led him to eventually question everything he ever learned about training, exercise, and fitness.
Chapter 2: Movement, Muscle Function, Inflammation, & Disease
While definitely the most scientifically complex chapter of Movement Redefined, Chapter 2 is in many ways the most critical for understanding why muscle function matters and the impact it has on health, performance, aging, disease, physique appearance, and more. It’s a paramount chapter that lays out scientific training elements in detail.
Table of Contents | Look Inside
Chapter 3: Defining Proper and Optimal Muscle Function
The fitness industry has yet to provide a tangible definition for proper muscle function. Dr. Seedman provides in depth research and undeniable scientific literature demonstrating the inescapable conclusion that there’s a concrete definition of optimal muscle function for the human body. This is supported by principles of neurophysiology, biomechanics, structural physiology, and more. Finally, Chapter 3 demonstrates how proper movement is key for minimizing pain, inflammation, joint trauma, and injuries.
Chapter 4: Eccentric Isometrics Defined
Dr. Seedman explains how and why eccentric isometrics involve every critical element and component of what we currently understand to be scientifically sound movement parameters while detailing step-by-step instructions for performing eccentric isometric movements. He also illustrates how eccentric isometrics are the single most effective training methodology in existence not only for certain populations but also for all individuals including elite athletes and general populations.
Chapter 5: Eccentric Isometrics - Scientific Foundation & Physiological Benefits
This chapter gives further support for the implementation of eccentric isometric training protocols by explaining how it fits into all aspects of performance, fitness, physiological function, and health. Dr. Seedman merges the science and practical elements together, illustrating how eccentric isometrics are the ultimate tool for maximizing one’s genetic potential, physical performance, physiological function, and quality of life as well as overall muscularity and body composition.
Chapter 6: The Big Seven
Perhaps the most practically applicable chapter of Movement Redefined, Chapter 6 provides in-depth specifics on each of the seven key movement patterns of human movement and why perfecting these movements are vital for mastering movement. Dr. Seedman also lays out step-by-step instructions on every cue and coaching pointer needed to perfectly master each of the big seven foundational movement patterns. Think of this as your guide to mastering eccentric isometrics on all the foundational exercises.
Table of Contents (Continued) | Look Inside
Chapter 7: Eccentric Isometric Training Protocols, Programming, & Periodization
Dr. Seedman highlights every key element needed to properly design, customize, and build the ultimate eccentric isometric training routine that’s guaranteed to help each individual master their own body mechanics all while making continuous and indefinite improvements. This represents the area of literature Dr. Seedman has received the most questions on over the years and he’s included everything the reader will need throughout their journey of movement mastery.
Chapter 8: Training Templates and Programs: Eccentric Isometrics In Action
Dr. Seedman provides not just 1, 2, or even 10 training programs but 30+ programs and training templates meticulously designed and refined over the years to maximize the practical implementation of eccentric isometrics for every training goal and fitness level. Not only does this represent an incredibly in depth eccentric isometric training routine but this also might very well be the most extensive and in depth training program offered in the fitness industry period.
Chapter 9: Pain Science, Muscle Function, and Eccentric Isometrics
The pain science community has unfortunately perpetuated many myths and misconceptions regarding the topic of biomechanics, muscle function, and movement. Dr. Seedman explains just how optimizing body mechanics and muscle functional via eccentric isometrics ties into the topic of pain science and neuroscience pain education. He also uncovers the various lies and myths commonly preached in the industry.
Chapter 10: Question & Answer Around Eccentric Isometrics, MOvement, & More
Over the years, Dr. Seedman has received many questions regarding eccentric isometric training protocols as well as other common training questions. This chapter addresses key questions the reader might have after reading the previous 10 chapters, ensuring the highest degree of success for each individual seeking to master their movement mechanics, performance, and health.
Chapter 11: Unlocking the Mysteries and Connecting the Dots
One of the deepest sections of Movement Redefined, Chapter 11 provides detailed information for connecting the dots and unlocking clues that have left many experts in the medical and exercise science industry baffled. Dr. Seedman put on his Sherlock Holmes cap, using deductive reasoning and pragmatic thinking to illustrate how eccentric isometrics and muscle function tie into most, if not all, areas of exercise, medicine, and physical science.
Chapter 12: The Journey Thus Far: Quotes & Final Thoughts
While the journey is oftentimes long and arduous, it never ends as the process of mastering one’s movement is ongoing throughout one’s entire lifespan. In this final chapter, Dr. Seedman highlights key truths and facts as well as provides final words of wisdom to equip the reader with any and all tools necessary to successfully embark on their own personal journey of movement mastery.
Training Programs | 30+ Eccentric Isometric Routines
+ Click to Enlarge
30+ Eccentric Isometric Training Programs
In Movement Redefined, Dr. Seedman provides not just 1, 2, or even 10 training programs but 30+ programs and training templates meticulously designed and refined over the years to maximize the practical implementation of eccentric isometrics for every training goal and fitness level. Not only does this represent an incredibly in depth eccentric isometric training routine but this also might very well be the most extensive and in depth training program offered in the fitness industry period. These programs have taken years to refine and are Dr. Seedman’s favorite exercise routines. Indeed, these eccentric isometric workout templates are the very routines Dr. Seedman uses with his athletes and clients as well as himself. Each of these 30+ programs provides a unique means for emphasizing particular areas of interest or weaknesses, ensuring maximal results across movement, strength, hypertrophy, stabilization, speed, power, and health.
Movement Redefined
Digital Ebook on Transforming Movement
This is the most in-depth and comprehensive exercise and training textbook in the fitness industry and likely the only training textbook you’ll ever need to purchase as it covers nearly every necessary topic in the fitness and strength and conditioning industry. In addition, Movement Redefined provides incredible educational material and data to satisfy the most educated scientists and kinesiologists yet also enough practical information for any layperson and fitness enthusiast to apply to their own training without feeling overwhelmed. Simply, this is also the ultimate training resource for enthusiasts, personal trainers, strength coaches, physical therapists, athletic trainers, rehabilitative specialists, physiologists and hands-on practitioners and kinesiologists looking to maximize movement, performance, muscularity, joint health, body composition, and overall health of themselves as well as their clients, athletes, and patients. Indeed, this book, tutorials, and workouts will transform your entire movement, performance, overall health, stabilization, hypertrophy, speed, and power.
What’s Included?
Over 600 pages of in depth content guaranteed to help anyone master their body mechanics, eliminate pain and injuries, and increase strength, hypertrophy, and health.
Over 300 scientific studies and references to support and validate the highlighted training methods and protocols.
12 in depth chapters, backed by scientific data and practical real-world training application, teaching you about the foundational elements of movement and exercise.
Over 30 eccentric isometric training programs and templates strategically designed to help any and all training backgrounds to reach their performance, fitness, body composition, strength, muscle mass, and health goals.
Over 100 figures and detailed illustrations demonstrating proper mechanics, joint angles, and body positioning for all the basic human movement patterns.
Who’s it Meant For?
Suitable for any and all individuals looking to maximize movement, performance, and physiology including high level athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, general populations, weekend warriors, rehab clients, and more.
The ultimate training resource for personal trainers, strength coaches, physical therapists, athletic trainers, rehabilitative specialists, hands-on practitioners, physiologists, and kinesiologists looking to maximize their movement, performance, muscularity, joint health, body composition, and overall health of their clients, athletes, and patients.
Provides incredible educational material and data to satisfy the most educated scientists and kinesiologists yet also enough practical information, synthesized down for any layperson, novice, and fitness enthusiast. Simply, this is the book for the the expert as well as the novice as it will help you transform your movement, health, and physique!
What will It Help You Accomplish and How?
Guaranteed to help optimize your athletic performance, muscularity, strength, speed, power, body composition, joint health, inflammation, injury prevention, overall health, and quality of life. Remember, this is not only the most advanced, educational book on exercise and movement but it also includes over 30 eccentric isometric training programs. Simply, this book will educate you and then show you how to leverage that newfound education in your own training via the provided exercise and movement training programs. In the end, it will ensure maximized movement, health, hypertrophy, power, speed, stability, and biomechanics!
Comparison of Resistance Training
- Includes Dr. Seedman’s Doctoral Dissertation -
Comparison of Resistance Training
In this 100+ page bonus chapter, Dr. Seedman presents his groundbreaking PhD dissertation which examines physiological and neuromuscular mechanisms of resistance training and the effects eccentric isometric protocols have on transient measures of muscle function. This chapter also includes a full literature review of post activation potentiation (PAP) and the implications for optimizing athletic performance, strength, and muscularity.
Bonus Chapter Highlights
Over 100+ pages on the comparisons of resistance training, including protocols and their transient effects on muscle function and performance.
Examines physiological and neuromuscular mechanisms of resistance training and the effects of eccentric isometric protocols on transient measure of muscle function.
Includes a full literature review of post activation potentiation (PAP) and the implications for optimizing athletic performance, strength, and muscularity.
Provides full statistical analysis, data, and breakdown of Dr. Seedman’s doctoral research investigation involving the effects of eccentric isometric training protocols and their impact on post activation potentiation, torque, force production, symmetrical loading, power output, stabilization, and balance.
Contains Dr. Seedman’s original doctoral dissertation from his PhD work at the University of Georgia (UGA).
Includes practical application components of eccentric isometric protocols as well as their comparison to traditional training methodologies and common forms of resistance training.
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