Functional Stability, Mobility, & Neuromuscular Activation — Advanced Human Performance Official Website | Home of Dr. Joel & Joshua Seedman Top
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Whether you’re a high level athlete looking to master your body mechanics & bulletproof your body or a fitness enthusiast looking to come back from injury, this is the program you need.

Neuromuscular Activation & Stabilization Program

Whether you’re a high level athlete looking to master your body mechanics & bulletproof your body or a fitness enthusiast looking to come back from injury, this is the program you need. 🔥💪 Dr. Seedman offers his NEW state of the art, cutting edge Functional Mobility and Stability program that’s designed to eliminate any and all traces of muscle dysfunction, injuries, and musculoskeletal inflammation as you master your movement. 🙌

Say goodbye to injuries and musculoskeletal inflammation including back pain, hip pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder impairments, spinal issues, ankle problems, and more. This is Dr. Seedman's ultimate blue-print for living a pain-free life as you maximize your genetic potential for optimized biomechanics and muscle function.

After several weeks of performing this routine your body will feel better than it has in years with greater efficiency of movement, stability, mobility, motor control, while witnessing firsthand what it feels like to live pain-free. With over 20 unique programs and 300 + unique exercises, this routine is guaranteed to transform your muscle function and body mechanics as you bulletproof your body from injuries, pain, inflammation, and tweaks, by maximizing your functional mobility, stability, and neuromuscular activation.

Designed to be used pre-season, in-season, and offseason as your primary training program. This program includes dozens of proprietary and scientifically proven training methods from Dr. Seedman’s arsenal including, eccentric isometrics, eyes closed training, unilateral explosive movements, neuromuscular reactive training RNT, oblique sling activation movements, post activation potentiation protocols, multiple offset loading methods, advanced plyometric training, impact training, rate of stabilization development, advanced rotational and anti-rotation movements, perturbation training, oscillating kinetic energy, and more.

Get ready for 20+ of the most effective state-of-the-art workouts designed to improve neuromuscular efficiency, stability, functional mobility, balance, alignment, postural control, strength, functional hypertrophy, and motor control, in just a few weeks. If you’ve ever wondered how Dr. Seedman and his athletes are able to perform all of the incredibly advanced exercises that few if any other athletes in the world can successfully complete, this program will walk you through step by step so you can obtain the same level of ninja-like movement mastery. So let’s get on with the fun and get you some AWESOME results!!! 🙌💪🔥




This incredibly versatile yet user friendly training program addresses neuromuscular and structural weaknesses from head to toe including muscular imbalances, asymmetries, instability, poor mobility, lack of balance, faulty mechanics, flawed posture, and other areas of dysfunction that impact performance, physiological function, and overall fitness. This program uses the same exercises, protocols, and training principles Dr. Seedman uses with his professional and collegiate athletes to address muscular imbalances, injuries, mobility issues, activation deficits, and stabilization issues.

  • Eliminate pain, inflammation, dysfunction, and faulty movement mechanics from head to toe.

  • Improve proprioception, body positioning, stability, balance, mobility, core stability, spinal alignment, posture, and motor control.

  • Experience indirect increases in strength and size as your lifting technique and muscle recruitment improves.

  • Promotes restoration, recovery, and elimination of aches, soreness, and musculoskeletal related inflammation.

  • The ultimate program to fix and prevent injury and musculoskeletal pain related to the spine, hips, knees, shoulders, neck, ankles, feet, elbows, wrists, groin, and more.


Functional Stability & Mobility Training Redefined

Whether you're a beginner or advanced lifter optimizing neuromuscular activation, functional stabilization, mobility, motor control, and alignment are pivotal to performance gains . This routine includes the same high-end techniques and training protocols Dr. Seedman uses with his professional athletes and advanced clients. The foundation of this routine is predicated on improving muscle function, motor unit recruitment, neuromuscular efficiency, stabilization, and mobility restrictions, by addressing and correcting movement mechanics. As the individual's level of stabilization, muscle function, and functional mobility improves and overall movement mechanics progress, all other biomarkers of performance including strength, size, speed, power, and other markers will improve. If you want to take your training to the next level look no further than this routine.

  • Can be used as your primary strength training program for a majority of the year.

  • Significantly improve stabilization and neuromuscular activation leading to increased hypertrophy, strength, and power while also improving body composition in as little as 3 weeks.

  • All movements include video demonstrations and exercise tips to guide the user through proper form and technique execution, ensuring optimal mass gains.

  • The program protocols are based on research and practical application that Dr. Seedman has successfully used with his own athletes and bodybuilding clients.

  • Highly effective for pre-season, in-season, and post-season as well as any and all other training phases of the year.

  • This stabilization routine can be successfully utilized from the beginner to advanced lifter provided appropriate weight selection and exercise modifications are employed.

  • The all-in one program for improving, eliminating, and preventing injuries to the hips, knees, low back, ankles, feet, shoulders, elbows, and more.

  • Bulletproof your body by enhancing your movement mechanics to improve joint health and prevent injuries from head to toe.

  • Involves traditional equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, cables, bands, kettlebells, bench, and landmine station.

  • Perform highly focused workouts and exercises, including understanding the appropriate technique and body mechanics as illustrated by well over 300 exercises and video tutorials.

  • Improve body mechanics and quality of movement that will transfer to any sport or task.

  • This routine is designed to last a minimum of 6 months and can be repeated after a brief training layoff for 12-24 months.

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Spinal Restoration

Dr. Seedman's designed his Spinal Restoration program to maximize low back health, eliminate inflammation around the spine, hips, and lumbo-pelvic area, and strengthen the muscles that surround the spine. This workout addresses critical components for improving spinal mechanics and low back health including mobility, stability, balance, flexibility, rotational mobility, symmetrical loading, structural symmetry, rotational stability, low back strength, core stabilization, shoulder mobility, hip power, and postural mechanics. This is also an excellent program for anyone looking to improve overall muscle function and eliminate general inflammation throughout the entire body, beginning with the spine, hips, back, and neck area. Restore your spine, back, neck, and hips with this transformational routine!

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Foot & Ankle Strength Unlocked

Most trainees neglect their feet, ankles and toes. As a result, they exhibit significant weaknesses and imbalances which contribute to a host of issues throughout their body including pain to the hips, knees, and back, lack of mobility, instability, poor balance, and both chronic and acute injuries throughout the body.  Activation starts in the feet and ankles.  If the muscles in the feet are not firing properly this spells disaster not only from a performance standpoint but also from a health and wellness perspective.  Whatever foot, ankle, and toe issues you have this routine is sure to alleviate the root cause. Dr. Seedman invested years in examining, researching, and developing the most effective treatments, exercises, and training modalities that correct and restore foot mechanics to their proper level of function. 

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Finding the perfect program for your training goals and body’s needs is never an easy decision. Never fear though because we got you covered 😃 Check out our detailed buyer’s guide, ensuring you achieve the gains, benefits, and results you desire.