Explosive Power Athlete
- Speed & power Training Redefined -
The Explosive Power Athlete program represents the most effective, state of the art, training program to help athletes run faster, jump higher, & move quicker with 16+ of the most ground breaking speed & power workouts in the industry. After years of program fine-tuning and precise customization, Dr. Seedman took every element into consideration in order to create the ultimate speed & power program that’s guaranteed improve speed, explosive power, jump height, agility, quickness, acceleration, deceleration, strength, force production, stability, balance, symmetry, & overall athletic performance. This program is jam-packed with everything an athlete needs. Speed and power-what every athlete wants, what every athlete needs, and what Dr. Seedman’s Explosive Power Athlete delivers. Whether you're an elite football player, sprinter, track athlete, baseball player, soccer athlete, tennis player, basketball player, hockey player, or simply a fitness enthusiast looking to improve their sport-specific explosive capabilities, this program will deliver the results you want! The tools and protocols used in this plan are taken directly from programs that Dr. Seedman uses with his pro athletes to make them some of the fastest and most explosive athletes in their sports.
Table of Contents
With this program you have Dr. Seedman's personal blueprint for addressing all aspects of speed, power and explosiveness. Simply, nothing is left to chance in your quest for speed and power.
16+ of the most effective state-of-the-art workouts designed to improve sprint speed, agility, quickness acceleration, deceleration, and power in just a few weeks.
Perform highly focused and quality workouts by knowing exactly which exercises to perform each day, including the appropriate technique and body mechanics as illustrated by well over 200 video tutorials.
Improve body mechanics & quality of movement that will transfer to any sport or task.
Increased jump height performance for both vertical and broad jump and improve speed and power endurance.
Improve strength, speed, power, & jump height, as well as lean-functional muscle mass & body composition in as little as several workouts while increasing energy, mood, health, immune function, and sleep patterns.
Bulletproof your body by enhancing your movement mechanics so as to improve joint health & prevent injuries. Also incredibly effective for improving previous injuries in the hips, knees, low back, ankles, feet, shoulders, elbows, and more.
Involves traditional equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, cables, bands, kettlebells, bench, and landmine station.
Designed to be be used pre-season, in-season, & offseason as your primary training program.
Also addresses sport specific conditioning & athletic-based endurance key to each athlete’s sport.
Program includes dozens of proprietary and scientifically proven training methods from Dr. Seedman’s arsenal including, eccentric isometrics, unilateral explosive movements, oblique sling activation movements, rapid eccentric isometrics, post activation potentiation protocols, overcoming isometrics, user-friendly Olympic lifting modifications, weighted jumps, deconstructed box jumps, offset loading, plyometric training, impact training, acceleration & deceleration training, rate of stabilization, rate of force production, compensatory acceleration , perturbation training, oscillating kinetic energy, and more.
Explosive Power Athlete
- Speed & power Training Redefined -
Drawing on cutting edge research as well as 18+ years of experience making athletes faster and more explosive, Dr. Seedman outlines the exact tools and protocols to improve your speed, explosiveness, power, agility, jump performance, and overall quickness. The program not only includes the speed, sprinting, agility, jumping, and power components of training but also includes every element athletes need for maximizing athletic performance including strength, functional muscle mass, stabilization, balance, functional mobility, conditioning, and more. This program can easily be modified to be performed as little 2-3x per week or as frequent as 4-6x per week based on one’s training, recovery, and schedule.
All movements include video demonstrations and exercise tips to guide the user through proper form and technique execution, ensuring optimal mass gains.
The program protocols are based on research and practical application that Dr. Seedman has successfully used with his own athletes and clients.
The program includes every element of athletic performance an athlete will need for any phase of their training.
While designed for experienced athletes, this can be used by intermediate or beginning trainees provided appropriate rep selection and exercise modifications are employed.
This routine is designed to last a minimum of 8-10 weeks and can be repeated after a brief training layoff (4-7 days of). This program can literally be used for the entire year.
Significantly increase speed, power, and explosiveness while also improving body composition in as little as 3 weeks.
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Monster Calves Workout #1
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Monster Calves Workout #2
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Monster Calves Workout #3
Want stronger, more defined, and overall larger calve muscles? Look no further than Dr. Seedman's Monster Calves Routine. Based on the concepts Dr. Seedman outlined in his Men's Fitness article, “How to Get Bigger, Stronger Calves.” Dr. Seedman provides you with an 8 week program and three separate calf workouts to maximize total fiber development in the lower body including the fast twitch, slow twitch, and intermediate fibers. Improve size, strength, definition in as little as 2 weeks while also gaining almost immediate improvements in vertical jump performance and explosive power. With this program you have Dr. Seedman's personal blueprint for addressing all aspects of calf performance and hypertrophy.
Improve size, strength, definition in as little as 2 weeks.
Improve proportionality between left and right sides of the lower leg muscles.
Gain almost immediate improvements in vertical jump performance and explosive power.
Reduce injury potential to lower legs and ankles.
Gain functional size and strength that can transfer to sports and other physical activity.
Reduce calve tightness and inflammation.
Improve lower leg mobility, flexibility, and stability.
Whether you're a beginner or advanced lifter the idea of fully developed, more muscular calves are something we all aspire for. The problem remains that calves are an often overlooked and one of the most stubborn areas for seeing true results. This routine is the answer to these two problems as it includes the same high-end techniques and training protocols Dr. Seedman uses with his professional athletes and advanced clients. The foundation of this routine is predicated on improving muscle function in the calves by addressing and correcting movement mechanics, neuromuscular activation, power, strength, and explosiveness. If you want to take your calf training to the next level look no further than this routine.
All movements include video demonstrations and exercise tips to guide the user through proper form and technique execution, ensuring optimal mass gains.
The program protocols are based on research and practical application that Dr. Seedman has successfully used with his own athletes and bodybuilding clients.
Can be used in isolation or in parallel with traditional strength, size, and exercise programs (i.e., use as 20 minute short, effective workouts before or after your traditional training regime).
While designed for experienced trainees, this can also be used by intermediate beginning lifters provided appropriate weight selection and exercise modifications are employed.
This routine is designed to last a minimum of 12 weeks and can be repeated after a brief training layoff (4-7 days of active recovery and rest).
Significantly increase calf hypertrophy, strength, and power while also improving neuromuscular activation, stabilization, movement mechanics, and explosiveness in as little as 3 weeks.
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