Everyone squats the same regardless of individual differences and joint anthropometrics. A proper squat involves 90 degree joint angles and is most easily obtained by using eccentric isometrics with perfect posture and body alignment. Here are 101 truths everyone should know.
The sissy squat has recently gained quite a bit of popularity in mainstream fitness and bodybuilding. Unfortunately it’s not only an inferior quad and thigh builder that lacks proper muscle stimulation, it destroys the knees. Here are 12 superior alternatives to sissy squats.
Fitting upper body isolation exercises into your training routine can be tricky particularly when you’re looking to emphasize larger compound movements in your lifting program. Here are my favorite ways to crush your arms while saving time and improving functional performance.
Offset loading training is one of my favorite strength training techniques not only for eliminating imbalances, asymmetries, and muscle dysfunction, but also for building ridiculous levels of functional strength, hypertrophy, motor control, and core stability. Read more here.
Although I use a variety of squats and lower body drills with my clients particularly eccentric isometrics, there’s one squat variation I tend to use with just about every client due to its simplicity and effectiveness - namely, the front curled squat.
The belt squat is an amazing exercise that crushes the legs and you can make it even better by combining it with front rack kettlebell squats and goblet squats. Here are multiple variations you can use to induce functional mass in the legs.
Looking for a quick solution for fixing improper foot and ankle mechanics? Look no further than the “bridge the gap” method. Here’s how to apply it to your favorite single leg movements as well as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and hinges for optimal lower body function.
Combining the trap bar with accommodating resistance in the form of band assistance, band resistance, and chains produces some incredibly potent movements particularly when it comes to deadlifts, squats, hinges, lunges, and more.
The squatting lat pulldown is not only one of the most effective upper back and lat exercises for building functional strength and size but it also does wonders for cleaning up pullup and lat pulldown technique. Here’s how to perform them.
Parallel versus ATG Squats | Part I
If you're human and your goal is maximal performance, strength, and muscle growth, then parallel squats are far superior to ass-to-grass (ATG) squats. Learn why parallel trump ATG squats in Part I of this exclusive article. (Read More →)
The Best Way to Squat (Part 1)
Part 1 of Dr. Seedman's popular and controversial squat series explains why the parallel squat is the ideal squatting depth for most athletes and examines why the 'ass-to-grass' squat produces dysfunction and flawed movement mechanics. (Read More →)
The Best Way to Squat (Part 2)
Part 2 of Dr. Seedman's popular and controversial squat series builds on his argument for the superiority of parallel squats. Here, he focuses on the mechanics, cues, and activation tips needed to perform a proper parallel squat. (Read More →)
Tip: Correct Your Mechanics for Pain-Free Squats
Does it hurt to squat, and not in a good way? Use this training method to fix your technique. (Read More →)
Tip: Do the Squat-Stance Deadlift
Is the conventional deadlift or the sumo deadlift better? For many of us, a combination of the two is best. Here's how to do it. (Read More →)
Fix Your Valgus Knee Collapse with the Plate Squat
The plate squat is an excellent squat variation Dr. Seedman uses with his athletes and clients to help groove the proper squat pattern and teach them how to spread their knees and hips. (Read More →)
Upper Body Mechanics on Barbell Squats
In this interview, Dr. Seedman explains the connection between proper spine and shoulders mechanics and optimal hip mechanics during squats. (Read More →)
Increase Your Bench Press & Squat with PREP Training
To overcome drawbacks with standard eccentric training, Dr. Seedman created Power Rack Eccentric Potentiation training (PREP), which stimulates incredible strength and hypertrophy gains in a safe manner. (Read More →)
Front Squats for Performance Benefits
In explaining how front squats are an excellent squat variation for improving technique, mobility, and muscle function for athletes, Eric Bach consults Dr. Seedman and other experts in the field--including Dr. John Rusin. (Read More →)
Squat-Stance Deadlifts for Strength & Size
Dr. Seedman tweaked legendary powerlifter Ed Coan’s sumo deadlift to make it more joint friendly and conducive for maximizing strength, hypertrophy, and performance for athletes and general populations alike. (Read More →)
The barbell Zercher squat is an incredibly effective lower body exercise. However it also has its share of downfalls. Here's how to use kettlebells and landmine stations to improve the effectiveness of this classic strength exercise.