Eccentric accentuated training can be a bit tricky when applying it to lower body strength training. Here’s how to apply the bilateral assisted negative accentuated (BANA) 2:1 method to squats, split squats, and lunges for strong and massive legs.
Two of my favorite strength training tools are the landmine and the trap bar. Here's how to combine both of these awesome and versatile training tools to create some amazing full body exercises.
Kettlebells are one of the best tools for performing a variety of movements including deadlifts, squats, rows, lunges, and more. Unfortunately the ability to overload the muscles adequately can compromise their effectiveness. Here's how to resolve that.
If you're looking for a unique and relatively simple method for crushing your legs and upper back, you'll want to try out the longitudinal hanging barbell protocol. It's also a very natural and safe method for hitting squats, deadlifts, and rows.
If you're looking for a method that allows you to overload the daylights out of squats, deadlifts, hinges, and rows, while also minimizing stress to the spine and low back, look no further than the hanging trap bar method. Here's how to do it.
Performing deadlifts, hinges, squats, glute, bridges, and hip thrusters with this common mistake not only limits the degree of posterior chain activation and muscle recruitment but it ages the spine and creates dysfucntional movement patterns. Here's what I mean.
Mastering the hip hinge is no easy feat as there are quite a few important cues to remember . However one of the most important cues is to focus on keeping the hips tall. Here's a quick fix to make that happen and master your hinge within minutes.
The barbell hack squat is an old school bodybuilding exercise that's been around for decades. Unfortunately it can feel quite awkward and unnatural. Try incorporating this eccentric isometric variation to make it feel more natural.
If you want to improve athletic performance while building functional strength, stability, balance, symmetry, and alignment throughout your lower body, try these leg circuits. I use them with my NFL athletes, general populations, and bodybuilders.
The hip hinge or RDL is one of the most critical movement patterns for mastering your body mechanics and muscle function. Unfortunately most individuals perform them incorrectly. Here are the 12 cues you'll need to maximize your form.
The Best Way to Deadlift: Squat-Stance Deadlift
In this AHP exclusive, Dr. Seedman outlines why the squat stance is the superior deadlift position. See how his groundbreaking research can increase your deadlift gains today. (Read More →)
Tests of Glute Strength and Hip Function
Got strong and active glute muscles? These tests will confirm whether or not your hips and glutes are properly functioning. (Read More →)
The Worst Way to Perform Deadlifts & RDL's
Yes, everyone should deadlift, but one variation should be avoided, specifically the straight leg RDL. Learn why and how to ensure you're performing RDL's correctly. (Read More →)
Safe & Sound | The Best Deadlift You’ve Never Tried
Most lifters use either the conventional close-stance method or ultra wide sumo position for deadlifts. These tend to be overly extreme for most and oftentimes promote dysfunctional mechanics. The overlooked solution is the squat-stance deadlift. (Read More →)
Fix Your Low Back, Hips, and Posture with Good Mornings
Dr. Seedman considers the Good Morning an effective, but overlooked, exercises. Using a hinge movement pattern, the good morning improves strength and hypertrophy in the posterior chain and for cleaning up squat technique. (Read More →)
Fix Your Hips, Low Back & Posture with the Modified Cable Pull-Through
Dr. Seedman presents a more effective modification of the cable pull through for those with low back issues, hip and knee pain, faulty posture, or lack of mobility. (Read More →)
The Importance of Hip and Glute Function
From athletes to the elderly, when it comes to proper hip function, the glutes muscles must fire correctly. In this interview, Dr. Seedman discusses how to self-examine, and improve, hip function. (Read More →)
The Cure for Weak Glutes and Inactive Hips
When the glutes aren't doing their job, muscle function and movement mechanics in the hips suffer. Dr. Joel Seedman shows you how to assess your hip and glute function and presents strategies to eliminate specific deficiencies. (Read More →)
Plates Work Better Than Kettlebells
If you don't have access to kettlebells, use iron grip style plates to perform swings, cleans, and snatches. These provide many unique benefits beyond which traditional kettle bells can produce. (Read More →)
Combining the trap bar with accommodating resistance in the form of band assistance, band resistance, and chains produces some incredibly potent movements particularly when it comes to deadlifts, squats, hinges, lunges, and more.