Although mastering the big 7 with eccentric isometrics is paramount when it comes to mastering movement and muscle function, periodically including rotational training can be very effective particularly for athletes. Here are my 25 go-to rotational exercises.
Loaded carries are some of the most simple yet effective strength training movements you can perform for building functional strength and size throughout the body. Here are my top 30 favorite variations along with 10 tips to help master any loaded carry or farmer’s walk.
Bodyweight training is the new rage. Unfortunately most folks end up going about their quarantine and home bodyweight workouts in a very ineffective way thereby sacrificing their gym gains. Here are 25 key tips you should implement immediately.
Want to maximize your athletic performance, strength, muscularity, stability, and joint health? Time to start taking advantage of functional training methods that utilize the anterior and posterior oblique slings via contralateral hip activation and unilateral movement patterns.
Offset loading training is one of my favorite strength training techniques not only for eliminating imbalances, asymmetries, and muscle dysfunction, but also for building ridiculous levels of functional strength, hypertrophy, motor control, and core stability. Read more here.
Excessive low back/lumbar arch on bench press movements is a common mistake even amongst advanced lifters. Not only does it set the individual up for potential injuries but also minimizes the effectiveness of the chest press itself. Let’s fix it!
The Landmine is one of the most versatile training tools in existence. Unfortunately many lifters limit its application to basic rows, goblet squats, and presses. There are dozens of unique exercises that can be performed with it. Here are my favorites.
Over the years I’ve posted some pretty crazy exercises many of which can only be performed once you’ve truly mastered your body mechanics and form. With that said here are 50 brutally tough exercises you’ve likely never done and probably can’t.
While oftentimes neglected, the adductor muscles, inner thighs, and groin must be kept in proportion to the other hip muscles to ensure optimal function, performance, and joint health. Here’s why the Copenhagen plank is the best tool for the job.
In part 2 of my renegade row series, I highlight how this effective exercise can be regressed, progressed, and modified to target various muscle groups and movement patterns. Here are 50 of my favorite renegade rows and variations thereof.
The standing cable chest press is one of the most functional horizontal pressing exercises there is. Unfortunately it’s oftentimes an overlooked and undervalued gem of a movement. Here are my top 10 favorite variations for building strength & size.
Quadruped (Bird Dog) Benefits & 9 Challenging Variations
The Bird Dog exercise is a highly effective movement for reinforcing proper spinal alignment and core recruitment. In this detailed article, Dr. Seedman teaches the proper technique, highlights key benefits, and illustrates 8 challenging variations. (Read More →)
Ninja Training | Hand Clap Pushup to 1-Arm Plank
Besides looking like a ninja, this unique variation of the hand-clap pushup builds a massive chest, powerful pressing mechanics, and unparalleled core stability. The question is do you have what it takes to perform it. (Read More →)
Bird Dog Exercise Variations for Core Strength & Back Health
Made famous by low back specialists and functional training experts such as Stuart McGill, Gray Cook, and Mike Boyle, the Quadruped Bird Dog exercise is an an effective movement for reinforcing proper spinal alignment and core recruitment. (Read More →)
Ab Rollout Variations for Core Strength
Looking for exercises to crush your abs, strengthen your core, and improve spinal alignment? Check out Dr. Joel Seedman's ab rollout and ab wheel variations--anti-extension movements that teach incredible levels of core tightness. (Read More →)
Strengthen Your Core with the Windmill Plank
The windmill plank hold is an excellent full body stabilization movement that absolutely crushes many of the core and hip muscles while also working smaller stabilizers throughout the legs and upper torso. (Read More →)
Renegade Rows for Strength: Tricks, Tips & Tactics
In this interview with STACK, Dr. Seedman shares his performance tips for perfecting the renegade row--an excellent full-body movement for building strength and enhancing muscle-function enhancing movement. (Read More →)
Renegade Rows: True Test of Full-Body Strength & Muscle Function
Dr. Seedman explains why renegade rows are not only one of the most effective movements for increasing strength in the upper body and core but they’re also a great test and assessment of muscle function. (Read More →)
Renegade rows and variations thereof are some of the most effective exercises not only for targeting the upper back and lats but also for absolutely annihilating the entire musculature of the core. Here’s everything you need to know.