Weekly Workout #4: Moderate Intensity - Lower Body Emphasis
Moderate Intensity Workout
- Lower Body Emphasis -
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When it comes to boosting functional strength and hypertrophy even in the most stubborn muscle groups /lifts, one of the most effective techniques I’ve used is combining eccentric isometrics with the one and a half method (1.5 rep technique). Here’s why it’s so effective:
When it comes to specific weaknesses, stubborn muscles, and stalled lifts there are two categories that need to be considered both of which this 1.5 eccentric isometric technique addresses:
1) The neuromuscular component
2) The structural hypertrophy component
When a lifter has a particular movement pattern such as squats or chest presses they struggle with, chances are both their technique and neuromuscular efficiency needs improvement. The eccentric isometric (slow negative followed by a pause in the stretched position) allows the lifter to hone-in on their body position by using precisely executed negatives to fine-tune their mechanics. That’s because muscle spindles (sensory feedback mechanisms embedded within muscles) provide the greatest feedback when the muscles are under stretch. Besides teaching proper mechanics this does wonders for improving neural connections and grooving the appropriate movement patterns into the CNS. The result is substantial increases in strength and force production not to mention a nice bonus of decreased joint pain.
To address hypertrophy particularly in areas of the body that are more resistant to growth, the key lies in taking advantage of the three hypertrophy mechanisms namely, muscle damage, mechanical tension, and metabolic stress. Eccentric isometrics exploit each of these, however, to further increase the growth-inducing benefits and ensure hypertrophic changes in the most stubborn regions, implementing the one-and-a-half (1.5) technique will do the trick.
The 1.5 technique simply involves a bottom half-rep followed by a full repetition. In terms of increased strength, the phase involving the full repetition will allow the lifter to practice lifting with compensatory acceleration/maximal speed (during the concentric phase), while the partial/bottom-half repetition will focus more so on triggering functional hypertrophy.
Additionally, the muscle damage and micro trauma from this 1.5 technique (particularly when combined with eccentric isometrics) is exceptionally potent for triggering size gains as the lifter will be spending significant time in the eccentric or stretched position.
The bottom half of the movement is also key for triggering increased levels of mechanical/intramuscular tension as well as metabolic stress due to the constant tension and reduced momentum.
Regardless of how stubborn your body or muscles may be, if you can summon the mental fortitude to push past the pain associated with this incredibly brutal protocol, you’ll be rewarded with significant boosts in functional size and strength.
I’ve found the one-and-a-half eccentric isometric protocol useful on a number of lifts including squats, bench press, deadlifts, overhead press, lunges, RDL’s, pullups, pullovers, as well as many other exercises. Because of the long duration of time under tension incorporated for each repetition I typically recommend lower rep ranges of 3-6 per set.
Finally, focus on using optimal range of motion with joint segments close to 90 degrees and perpendicular/parallel body segments. Using excessive range of motion (i.e. squatting past parallel) reinforces faulty body mechanics and decreases sensory feedback from muscle spindles not to mention reduced tension on muscles with more stress on the joints.
#1. Is this optimal depth in the squat video?
Yes, this video represents optimal squat mechanics that will be similar from human to human. Read more about squat depth here.
#2. What's with the sudden snap you perform in the bottom of each squat?
The sudden snap at the end of each eccentric isometric (the quick snap at the very bottom of each rep) illustrates intense eccentric co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscle groups for the sake of creating greater reciprocal inhibition on the concentric phase. Simply put, as I get closer to the bottom 90-degree position I squeeze my antagonists harder and harder until I snap into the optimal stopping point. This is very natural and not forced. For the squat that means I’m squeezing my hip flexors and hamstrings to get more activation and eccentric elongation in the glutes and quads. This is something that naturally occurs over time from focusing on proper mechanics not so much from intentionally trying to squeeze these muscles. Simply put by focusing on optimal body mechanics you’ll naturally achieve optimal eccentric co-contraction although it is good to understand these subtle intricacies of the body so you can feel (and tune into) these muscles automatically contract when training.
#3. Isn't that hyperextending your knees at the top and bad for the knee joints by being that explosive?
No, this is called compensatory acceleration and in fact it's quite healthy and therapeutic for the knees as long as the muscles and body are functioning properly from correct training. In addition, there is an enormous difference between completing a full range of motion in the concentric phase and hyperextending a joint. Furthermore it's nearly impossible to hyperextend a joint when posture and spinal alignment are locked in.
Finally, the explosive concentric phase with a powerful finish actually ensures that the glutes and hamstrings fire at the top as a means of co-contracting and stabilizing the joints at the end of the the concentric phase. This is one of the key principles of muscle co-contraction. Simply put the glutes and hamstrings contract to keep the knees from hyperextending. If in fact the individual allowed their posture to collapse at the top and the hips to over-extend (it's actually ideal not to allow the hips to fully extend at the top as the hips need to maintain a slight constant hip hinge throughout), then the chance of hyperextending the knees would be much greater. In essence, focus on keeping proper postural alignment and when attempting to use compensatory acceleration to improve power output and fast twitch fiber activation, drive through as explosively as possible on the concentric phase.
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(Note: If this is too challening simply do a single arm plank with both feet on the floor and the forearm on the ball). Including a variety of core exercise into your routine that address both anti-extension and anti-rotation forces is critical not only for maximizing your core and abdominal strength but also your functionality and joint health. I consistently like to include single arm variations of planks as well as single leg planks as these emphasize the anti-rotation component. Once the athlete becomes more advanced I’ll also include quadruped planks and bird dog planks where the athletes supports themselves on the opposite arm and leg. In addition, I periodically incorporate the stability ball into planks to emphasize motor control, balance, and core stability.
With that said if you’re looking for an insanely difficult core exercise, look no further than this brutally challenging quadruped ball plank as demonstrated by two of my awesome clients Leslie Petch and Ben Lai. If you have a weakness in any portion of your body from head to toe or simply lack motor control, proper postural alignment, or harbor any significant level of muscle dysfunction these will truly be impossible. In addition, most athletes will find they have one side that’s more dialed in than the other further highlighting the need to assess and analyze where the activation deficit is coming from.
Besides acting as a great diagnostic tool that exposes a variety of issues, these absolutely crush the entire core and lumbopelvic hip complex not to mention the shoulder stabilizers and foot and ankle complex. If you can dial these in for several consecutive repetitions of 5-10 second holds on each rep, it’s safe to say that you’ve achieved a level of muscle function and core stability that few individuals have ever attained.
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Although there's probably better names, I call this the hack lunge (similar to a barbell hack squat). Here's one of my awesome clients Erin English working her lower body as we prep her for her upcoming figure show. This specific loading protocol with the legs straddled between the barbell provides several benefits.
- First it forces balance and stability to be spot on as any deviation will make it very difficult to re-gain your balance without having to drop the bar.
- Second, it keeps constant tension on the muscles as the lifter will be unable to lock out the movement by going to far at the top (the bar hits the legs towards the top end) and lose tension on the muscles.
- Third, it teaches proper lunging mechanics and hip activation as the straddled position with the bar hanging between the legs teaches individuals to lean over slightly with the hips set back which represents ideal lunge mechanics. In fact it's almost impossible to perform this with overly upright posture which is a common mistake many lifters make (proper lunges involve a slight forward lean to keep the hips back rather than an upright position).
- Finally having the bar directly under the center of gravity absolutely crushes the glutes. If you've never tried this you'll be stunned at the level of therapeutic pain and tension you'll feel in your entire posterior chain. As usual you'll also notice I have her performing these in an eccentric isometric fashion to improve body mechanics and aid in proprioceptive feedback.
Option #1
Option #2
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This next exercise is an eccentric isometric single leg RDL and jump. This is a great exercise not only for working balance and stability but also unilateral power, hip drive, knee drive, and posterior chain strength. It also has excellent transfer to sprinting mechanics due to the contralateral hip activation positions.
Option #1
Option #2
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The next exercise can be performed on any machine row, ensuring you incorporate isometrics in the fully contracted position as well as performing brief eccentric isometrics on the negative phase. In addition, do this while keeping your eyes closed (as seen in this video). This increases proprioception and fine-tune your body mechanics. The mechanics shown should be the same for all horizontal pulling/rowing movements as this represents optimal form.
Option #1
Option #2
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Although it doesn’t involve a variable adjusting angle throughout the movement like the pivot press does, the incline T-bench chest press is an incredibly effective pressing movement in its own right. In this video, my awesome clients and I including Leslie Petch and Erin English are demonstrating several variations including the dumbbell, barbell, and single leg versions of the incline t-bench chest press. There are 5 unique benefits of this movement many of which can also be witnessed during the pivot press. Read more HERE.
Here I have NFL athlete Chris Carson on head off incline dumbbell chest press. Head off position allows cervical elongation which enhances t-spine extension & ultimately improves shoulder function. Also teaches hip drive. Article at https://www.advancedhumanperformance.com/blog/improve-your-bench-press-and-posture-with-this-technique
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The kneeling lat pulldown is one of the best pulldown exercises for improving vertical pulling mechanics and cleaning up lat pulldown and pullup form as the kneeling variation forces the lifter to use very strict mechanics. Focus on tucking your elbows and creating good extension throughout the t-spine (chest out and head tall). The kneeling variation requires greater core activation ultimately producing enhanced spinal rigidity. As a result the shoulders and scapula are more locked in in comparison to other variations. In fact it's very difficult to over-pull in the bottom position (a common mistake by many lifters) as it feels very unnatural during the kneeling variation as it begins to pull your t-spine and core out of alignment.
Lastly, over-stretching in the top position by allowing the scapula and shoulders to over-elevate (another common problem) is nearly impossible with substantial loads as this will pull your entire body out of position. In essence anything but proper form is immediately punished with this pulldown variation making it highly conducive for improving vertical pulling mechanics for beginners and advanced lifters alike.
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If you’re looking to build your shoulder size and strength to the next level you’ll want to implement these ASAP. The eccentric accentuated push press exploits all of the key mechanisms of hypertrophy (muscle damage, mechanical tension, and metabolic stress) making it one of the most effective functional mass builders for the entire shoulder region including the deltoids, traps, and upper back.
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Although these are commonly performed on a slide board or with sliders or stability ball, I've found that performing eccentric leg curls on the foam roller helps prevent the athlete from over-extending their knee and over stretching the hamstring tendon if they focus on keeping the foam roller on their foot throughout rather than having it hit the Achilles or ankle.
High Intensity Interval Cardio (HIT)
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