Weekly Workout #6: Moderate Workout - Lower Body Emphasis
Moderate Intensity Workout
- Lower Body Emphasis -
Main Option
Alternate Option
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Main Option
Earlier this year I highlighted the idea of creating your own makeshift safety squat bar with lifting straps as a means of implementing a squat variation that was more conducive for dialing in your form. Recently I’ve been playing with that variation by incorporating lifting bands instead of straps as demonstrated here by NFL quarterback Taylor Heinicke. Because Taylor has suffered several shoulder injuries throughout his career this makeshift squat variation is optimal for allowing him to perform barbell squats while taking stress of his glenohumeral joint. The bands add to this effect even further. Here are 7 benefits of this makeshift safety squat bar with bands. Read the full article at https://www.advancedhumanperformance.com/blog/a-unique-way-to-fix-your-barbell-squat-lunge
Alternate Option If No Bands Are Available
Most athletes and advanced level trainees should be capable of performing eyes closed movements with at least 80-90% of the same load they use under eyes open conditions. If this is not feasible its often a strong indication that they lack proprioception, stability, motor control, and proper muscle spindle activation.
Finally, performing squats in an eccentric isometric fashion is perhaps the single most effective method there is very improving squat mechanics and eliminating lower body dysfunction. By performing a slow negative then pausing in the bottom position this allows the lifter to fine-tune their position and optimize their movement mechanics. Be sure to keep a neutral spine (slight arch) and avoid collapsing at the bottom position. Parallel is ideal for most.
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Here's a great dynamic explosive movement that not only reinforces proper hip hinge mechanics but also engrains proper running and jumping mechanics. Besides improving power and speed it also does wonders for body control, stability, balance, and symmetry.
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Ab rollouts are an incredibly effective exercise for crushing the core musculature and building freakishly strong abs. As individuals progress from kneeling versions and build up to plank variations on their feet, this provides additional options for increasing the stimulus to the core. One of my go-to variations is barbell plank mini rollouts as demonstrated by my awesome client Rami Baghdadi. While it’s often recommended to perform rollouts by extending out as far as possible in the stretched position, I’ve found this can create undue strain on the low back as well as disrupt the optimal length tension relationship of the abdominal wall. Simply put the abs like any other muscle group are not meant to be excessively stretched but instead should be elongated through a natural range of motion not an exaggerated range of motion. Overstretching the abs and core can produce dysfunctional body mechanics not only during core emphasized movements but also during other exercises such as squats, lunges, overhead presses, pullups, rows, hinges and more.
With that said I often employ partial or mini ab rollouts especially when performing plank variations on the feet. Rather than trying to over-stretch the movement, focus on maintaining maximal tension throughout the core and keeping a hollow-body position throughout. You’ll also notice that as Rami, progresses through the set he loses a very slight degree of core tightness and hollowed body position (i.e. small degree of lumbar extension and sagging hips) simply as a result of fatigue. Try to resist these forces by keeping the abs pulled in and the hips as tall as possible while elongating the spine.
In addition, don’t focus on flexing the glutes (a common misconception in the fitness industry) but instead concentrate on firing the hip flexors and abs. The glutes resist hip flexion not hip extension therefore aggressive activation of these is not desired during planks and rollouts. In contrast the hip flexors and abs resist extension, which is exactly what we’re after on core movements since gravity is attempting to extend the spine and the hips. Several sets of 4-8 reps performed in an eccentric isometric fashion should suffice for crushing your abs and building a bulletproof core of steel.
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This combo exercise will blast your entire posterior chain from head to toe including the upper back, lats, rear deltoids, glutes, hamstrings, and spinal stabilizers. Perform 1 lunge followed by two rows and another lunge followed by 2 rows (per side). This is what I refer to as the 2+2 rep range. For a detailed overview on proper lunge/split squat mechanics please see the second video tutorial.
Option #1
Option #2
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The combination of 90 degree knee bend, single arm press, reverse bottoms up kettlebell protocol, and eccentric isometric holds makes this incredibly brutal yet effective for ensuring the core is fully engaged not to mention the entire body. Read more HERE and HERE.
The chest press is close grip landmine squeeze press using accommodating resistance with bands. This exercise absolutely devastates the chest as the pectorals get smoked with high levels of intramuscular tension, metabolic stress, & also muscle damage. As an added bonus these are very joint friendly & easy on the shoulders.
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The hack barbell lunge is one of my favorite loaded split squat variations. Here's one of my bodybuilding athletes Ben Lai demonstrating it with a slight modification as we use a supinated grip to reinforce shoulder retraction and spinal rigidity. This specific loading protocol with the legs straddled between the barbell provides several benefits.
First it forces balance and stability to be spot on as any deviation will make it very difficult to re-gain your balance without having to drop the bar.
Second, it keeps constant tension on the muscles as the lifter will be unable to lock out the movement by going to far at the top (the bar hits the legs towards the top end) and lose tension on the muscles.
Third, it teaches proper lunging mechanics and hip activation as the straddled position with the bar hanging between the legs teaches individuals to lean over slightly with the hips set back which represents ideal lunge mechanics. In fact it's almost impossible to perform this with overly upright posture which is a common mistake many lifters make (proper lunges involve a slight forward lean to keep the hips back rather than an upright position).
Finally having the bar directly under the center of gravity absolutely crushes the glutes. If you've never tried this you'll be stunned at the level of therapeutic pain and tension you'll feel in your entire posterior chain as well as the quads. As usual you'll also notice I have Ben performing these in an eccentric isometric fashion to improve body mechanics and aid in proprioceptive feedback.
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The barbell shin and calve raise is one of my go-to exercises for improving strength in the distal portion of the lower extremities including the calves and tibialis muscles. Here are 2 of my NFL athletes showing how its done. Throwing in the shin (toe raise) does wonders not only for improving shin strength but also for eliminating shin splints as well as improving foot and ankle alignment. Shin strength is a critical yet oftentimes overlooked component of fitness and performance. It's something that most athletes would benefit from including in their training. The instability of the free weight calve and shin raise also helps wake up smaller muscles around the ankles and calves that normally aren't recruited.
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The dorsiflex weighted pullup is very effective for improving pull-up and chin-up mechanics as it requires very strict form and technique and helps to eliminate dysfunction and faulty posture. By using a plate (or plates stacked on the feet), this makes the movement very rigid and locked in as any cheating, shifting, or swinging will cause the weight to slide off.
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The ability transmit force and coordinate neuromuscular recruitment between the hips, core, and upper torso is vital for any overhead press whether it’s a push press or strict press. Because you’re literally pressing an unstable weight overhead while taking controlled and rhythmic steps, this requires the upper torso, core, and hip muscles to work together synergistically as any energy leak will result in dumping the load. Although it can be performed with any free weight apparatus, bottoms up kettlebells are the most eye-opening in terms of exposing and correcting neuromuscular deficiencies.
Low/MODERATE Intensity Interval Cardio
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