Weekly Workout #7: Contextual Interference Workout - Stability & Recovery Emphasis
Contextual Interference Workout
- Stability & Recovery Emphasis -
Special Instructions for Today’s Workout
Today’s workout consists of a large superset of 8 exercises, perform as a full circuit 2-3x.Will specifically be using a protocol called contextual interference. To highlight, contextual interference is a term used in the field of motor learning where an individual is required to be more mentally and cognitively engaged in the activity they are performing simply because there are few/less repetitive tasks taking place back to back. Instead multiple activities, tasks, or skills are carried out sequentially thereby requiring the used to retrace their motor program before repeating the same task later during the training session. This helps improve motor learning, skill acquisition, and movement mastery due to the higher level of mental engagement and cognition required when performing each movement/task. This is something Dr. Joel Seedman discusses in great depth in his book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.
Option #1
Option #2
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The single leg swap (single leg kettlebell swap) is an exercises I developed out of pure necessity after dealing with large groups of athletes with various types of foot and ankle deficiencies. Its also great for the core. See the video tutorial for a detailed overview.
This is an EI Calve Raise. Poor ankle mobility as well as tight calves & Achilles are common problems on squats. Eccentric isometric calve raises help unlock ankle mobility.
Option #1
Option #2 (Band Optional)
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Goblet Squats are a great squat variation for correcting technique and loading the quadriceps similar to a front squat.
This is a Longitudinal Spanish Goblet Squat. These cue the lifter to break at the knees by firing the hamstrings to eccentrically elongate the quads. It also teaches them to sit back into their hips & heels while staying in a more upright position. Adding the longitudinal goblet loading further enhances this as even the slightest bit of excessive tilting over causes the lifter to dump the weight forward.
Option #1
Option #2
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The single arm bent over row is an excellent lat and back exercise that simultaneously work rotary stability and anti-rotation muscles of the core. Keep the spine locked into position throughout and avoiding over-pulling at the top.
The Trap Bar Landmine Row is one of my favorite combo rowing and hip hinge exercises as it has many unique benefits. Read more in full article at https://www.advancedhumanperformance.com/blog/best-t-bar-row-trap-bar-youve-never-done
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This is a great exercise for improving shoulder and core stability. Shown in the video is NFL quarterback and all-star collegiate QB Taylor Heinicke. After suffering a shoulder injury earlier in the season we used this exercise as well as many others to greatly improve the health, strength, and function of his shoulder in order to prepare him for the NFL.
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This is a great lunge variation for targeting the stabilizers around the hips and core. It can be performed contralateral (opposite arm and opposite leg loaded) as shown in the video or ipsilateral (same arm same leg loaded).
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Here I have 2 of my awesome bodybuilding clients Leslie Petch and Ben Lai performing 2 variations of lat pulldowns that are incredibly effective for reducing the all-too-common- excessive back arch & lumbar extension we often witness with lat pulldowns & pullups. While it’s important to maintain a slight natural arch in order to ensure the shoulders are pulled back and the client is squeezing their upper back, most of the extension should be occurring through the t-spine, not the lumbar spine. By sitting with the hips in a flexed position this helps minimize the degree of lumbar extension as it pulls the pelvis in a more neutral position & also helps engage the abs & anterior core. These absolutely annihilate the lats & upper back especially since the lifter is unable to rely on excessive momentum or low back extension. They also have great transfer to pullups.
There is a subtle difference between the 2 variations. Variation #1 involves a knee tuck position. While this is definitely going to eliminate excessive lumbar extension, some folks might find it difficult to keep their shoulders down & retracted. The 2nd variation tends to be a bit easier to maintain retracted & depressed shoulders although it does allow a bit more extension in the low back to occur.
Most folks will find both options beneficial however some will likely favor one over the other. Regardless of which variation you choose I recommend performing them in an eccentric isometric fashion as both Leslie and Ben show here as it not only maximizes the functional strength & hypertrophy but it also helps maximize technique, biomechanics and muscle function via enhanced proprioceptive feedback. The ROM shown here (approximately 90 deg.) is optimal.
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Bottoms-up exercises are some of the most difficult strength training movements there are. The single arm bottoms-up overhead press performed with the kettlebell is the most classic bottoms-up movement. Not only will these build the shoulders, upper back, core, and grip strength, but they will teach you to control offset loads as you'll be holding the weight on one side (unilateral).
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Here's a great exercise for targeting the glutes, quads, and hamstrings as well as the inner and outer thighs. Many individuals use excessive range of motion on lateral lunges. Using 90 degree angles is best as it maximizes activation and muscle function while eliminating stress on the joints. The key is keeping the hips pushed back throughout as this takes stress off the knees.
Low Intensity Interval Cardio