
This Book Will Change Your Life!!!

Yes, it’s Completely FREE!! No strings attached. But why am I giving this away for FREE??


I want to help change as many lives as possible for God’s glory!! I don’t care if I lose out on massive financial earnings. Your well-being and health are more important!!! The methods in this book healed my body and changed my life. It’s done the same for tens of thousands around the world. I want you to have access to it with zero obstacles or road blocks.

  • Subscribe for free to The Right Angle Podcast on YouTube as we explore each chapter in detail.

  •  My full-length book MOVEMENT REDEFINED represents my life’s work in the field of kinesiology. It not only describes all of my training methods but also the extensive journey that led me to my various conclusions.

  • This abbreviated version, MOVEMENT REDEFINED FUNDAMENTALS, takes the most basic concepts from the full-length book MOVEMENT REDEFINED and highlights the critical points. This allows for the most expedient learning process and understanding of the training methods.

  • Check out the full-length book MOVEMENT REDEFINED here.

  • Follow along as we deep dive into all 7 chapters and discuss each topic on our YouTube channel with The Right Angle Podcast.

Now you’ll be perfectly equipped to implement each and every method for optimal results. And don’t forget to tell your friends and family to do the same. You have nothing to loose!

So what are you waiting for? It’s FREE!

Just press the download button to transform your body & revolutionize your fitness & health!