Lunges & Split Squats: You're Doing them Wrong
The lunge or split squat has been one of the most popular lower body exercises for decades. The problem? Most people, including many "expert trainers," do them improperly, negating the benefits. Here are 22 cues to master your lunge. (Read More →)
Parallel versus ATG Squats | Part I
If you're human and your goal is maximal performance, strength, and muscle growth, then parallel squats are far superior to ass-to-grass (ATG) squats. Learn why parallel trump ATG squats in Part I of this exclusive article. (Read More →)
The Worst Way to Perform Deadlifts & RDL's
Yes, everyone should deadlift, but one variation should be avoided, specifically the straight leg RDL. Learn why and how to ensure you're performing RDL's correctly. (Read More →)
Tip: Correct Your Mechanics for Pain-Free Squats
Does it hurt to squat, and not in a good way? Use this training method to fix your technique. (Read More →)
Tip: Do the Squat-Stance Deadlift
Is the conventional deadlift or the sumo deadlift better? For many of us, a combination of the two is best. Here's how to do it. (Read More →)
Tests of Glute Strength and Hip Function
If you’re unsure of whether or not you have strong and active glute muscles you’ll want to examine this checklist of test items to assess whether your not your hips and glutes are functioning as they should. (Read More →)
Fix Your Valgus Knee Collapse with the Plate Squat
The plate squat is an excellent squat variation Dr. Seedman uses with his athletes and clients to help groove the proper squat pattern and teach them how to spread their knees and hips. (Read More →)
Safe & Sound | The Best Deadlift You’ve Never Tried
Most lifters use either the conventional close-stance method or ultra wide sumo position for deadlifts. These tend to be overly extreme for most and oftentimes promote dysfunctional mechanics. The overlooked solution is the squat-stance deadlift. (Read More →)
Fix Hips, Low Back, and Posture with the Modified Cable Pull-Through
Dr. Seedman presents a more effective modification of the cable pull through for those with low back issues, hip and knee pain, faulty posture, or lack of mobility. (Read More →)
The Cure for Weak Glutes and Inactive Hips
When the glutes aren't doing their job, muscle function and movement mechanics in the hips suffer. Dr. Joel Seedman shows you how to assess your hip and glute function and presents strategies to eliminate specific deficiencies. (Read More →)
Fix Your Low Back, Hips, and Posture with Good Mornings
Dr. Seedman considers the Good Morning an effective, but overlooked, exercises. Using a hinge movement pattern, the good morning improves strength and hypertrophy in the posterior chain and for cleaning up squat technique. (Read More →)
Proper Upper Body Mechanics on Barbell Squats
In this interview, Dr. Seedman explains the connection between proper spine and shoulders mechanics and optimal hip mechanics during squats. (Read More →)
The Best Way to Squat (Part 1)
Part 1 of Dr. Seedman's popular and controversial squat series explains why the parallel squat is the ideal squatting depth for most athletes and examines why the 'ass-to-grass' squat produces dysfunction and flawed movement mechanics. (Read More →)
The Best Way to Squat (Part 2)
Part 2 of Dr. Seedman's popular and controversial squat series builds on his argument for the superiority of parallel squats. Here, he focuses on the mechanics, cues, and activation tips needed to perform a proper parallel squat. (Read More →)
Increase your Bench Press and Squat with PREP Training
To overcome drawbacks with standard eccentric training, Dr. Seedman created Power Rack Eccentric Potentiation training (PREP), which stimulates incredible strength and hypertrophy gains in a safe manner. (Read More →)
Front Squats for Performance Benefits
In explaining how front squats are an excellent squat variation for improving technique, mobility, and muscle function for athletes, Eric Bach consults Dr. Seedman and other experts in the field--including Dr. John Rusin. (Read More →)
The Importance of Hip and Glute Function
From athletes to the elderly, when it comes to proper hip function, the glutes muscles must fire correctly. In this interview with STACK, Dr. Seedman discusses how to self-examine, and improve, hip function. (Read More →)
Squat-Stance Deadlifts for Strength and Size
Dr. Seedman tweaked legendary powerlifter Ed Coan’s sumo deadlift to make it more joint friendly and conducive for maximizing strength, hypertrophy, and performance for athletes and general populations alike. (Read More →)
Plates Work Better Than Kettlebells
If you don't have access to kettlebells, use iron grip style plates to perform swings, cleans, and snatches. These provide many unique benefits beyond which traditional kettle bells can produce. (Read More →)
Eyes-closed training is something I frequently incorporate with all of my clients and athletes. That’s because it improves movement mechanics and muscle function due to enhanced proprioceptive feedback from the muscles. Here’s how.