Movement Redefined
Movement Redefined
Movement Redefined
- Eccentric Isometrics & Beyond -
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Dr. Joel Seedman is pleased to announce the release of his industry-changing and life transforming book, Movement Redefined. Having embarked on this formidable writing task nearly a decade ago, Movement Redefined represents Dr. Seedman’s life work. Throughout this 600+ page book and 30+ training programs, Dr. Seedman lays out, step-by-step, the science and practical application of everything he’s documented during his 15+ years of extensive research and industry experience, including his time working with professional athletes to general populations. This isn’t simply another product or book from Dr. Seedman, this is THE BOOK everyone in the industry has been talking about for the last several years as it represents the cornerstone of Dr. Seedman’s work with ECCENTRIC ISOMETRICS and neuromuscular re-education.
Movement Redefined is guaranteed to change your views and approach to training, performance, health, exercise, and fitness as it will undoubtedly challenge everything you’ve ever learned and read in the fitness industry. Indeed, Movement Redefined teaches you how to transform exercise for Advanced Human Performance. Unfortunately, the fitness industry has been largely responsible for perpetuating many lies, myths, and misconceptions over the years that have facilitated a number of physiological consequences that not only impede performance, joint health, and quality of movement, but have also promoted inflammation-induced pathological conditions that impact our entire physiology. Movement Redefined exposes these lies and uncovers the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
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Throughout this book, Dr. Seedman leads the reader step-by-step through hundreds of research studies as well as experiential data demonstrating just how important proper movement mechanics are and how it impacts everything including quality of life, performance, physique appearance, and overall health and wellness. He also demonstrates why and how eccentric isometrics and other proprietary advanced training methodologies provide the necessary solution for this common debacle. Just be warned, once you go down this path it will be impossible to return to having a neutral viewpoint on training principles as Dr. Seedman uncovers profound hidden truths and physiological mysteries that have perplexed not only the exercise science community but also the medical field for decades. To quote Dr. Seedman and his re-phrase from a famous film, “You take the blue pill and decide you’re not interested in this book, the story ends. You wake up in your fantasy world and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill and read this book, you stay in reality, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth.” Simply, if you choose to read this book and implement its 30+ training programs, be prepared to have your body and mind transformed forever!
With Movement Redefined, you’ll get Dr. Seedman's groundbreaking work across eccentric isometrics, movement, and muscle function including:
600+ PAGE BOOK: 600+ page book on eccentric isometrics and Dr. Seedman’s groundbreaking work on movement transformation
30+ TRAINING PROGRAMS: Holistic eccentric isometric training templates and workout programs with accompanying instructions and protocols
100+ EXERCISE VISUALS: Over 100 figures and detailed illustrations, demonstrating proper mechanics, joint angles, and body positioning for all the basic human movement patterns and eccentric isometrics
DR. SEEDMAN’S DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: Over 100+ pages of Dr. Seedman’s original doctoral dissertation, “Comparison of Resistance Training,” which examines the physiological and neuromuscular mechanisms of resistance training and the effects eccentric isometric protocols have on transient measures of muscle function