Foot & Ankle Manual | Part I

Foot & Ankle Manual | Part II

Foot & Ankle Manual | Part III

Advanced 6-Day Split

Monster Mass

Complete Templates

Stabilization Routine

Speed & Power Program

Bodyweight Program

2 Day Split

Low Back Restoration

Upper Body Blast
This intense upper body template is designed for targeting hypertrophy and strength in your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. If your upper body has seen at best minimal results than you're in need of the crazy boost this program packs. Simply, this training routine will put you on the transformative path from a lowly mortal to that of a an adonis!

Lower Body Blowout
This elite lower body template is designed for targeting hypertrophy and strength in quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, feet, and ankles. If you're tired of stick legs, flimsy/sagging hams, and/or glutes so flat that you could use them as a ruler than this is the program for you. Simply, this program will transform your lower body from a mere mortal to that of Hermes himself!

Core Blitz
This ultimate abdominal template is designed for building core strength and definition. If you're tired of looking down and seeing that blob of irritating fat obstructing that sexy six pack than look no further. Simply, this training routine is the ultimate 6 pack developer - period!

Movement Redefined

Movement Redefined | Table of Contents

Movement Redefined | Table of Contents