The Yoak training system is one of the most versatile and effective strength training tools I've used. It takes advantage of oscillating kinetic energy and applies it to standard barbell movements as well as bodyweight exercises.
I’m a big advocate of using the foam roller for chest presses. I also recommend the “head off” protocol for many supine exercises. The foam roller combined with the head off protocol also works exceptionally well for pullovers.
The next time you want to crush your backside try this unique but brutal chaos glute bridge. Not only will it destroy your entire backside but you'll work your stabilizers throughout your lower body and maximize your body mechanics.
Most lifters typically apply accommodating resistance (bands and chains) to the big three lifts such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. However this technique is also incredibly effective when applied to the overhead press.
If you're looking for a unique way to overload your pushups and emphasize the eccentric overload component then you'll want to give these a try. Just expect massive gains in your chest, shoulders, and triceps as well as your core
If you’re looking to build your shoulder size and strength to the next level you’ll want to implement this eccentric accentuated push press as they exploit all of the key mechanisms of hypertrophy (muscle damage, tension, and metabolic stress).
I often use accommodating resistance on Olympic lifts particularly in the form of reverse bands. However, band resisted Olympic lifts as advocated by Louie Simmons (Westside Barbell) also works incredibly well on cleans.
If you’re looking for an all-in-one exercise to crush your entire core and hips as well as many of the stabilizers throughout your body then you’ll want to try this single leg anti-sliding weighted plank on the slide-board,
The anti-sliding lunge is a quick and incredibly effective method for cleaning up your lunge and split squat mechanics literally within seconds. In fact, there are 5 reasons why this lunge is so effective not to mention the strength benefits.
The foam roller is one of my favorite tools not necessarily for soft tissue work but for teaching proper lifting mechanics on a variety of movements particularly chest presses, pullovers, and chest fly variations. There are numerous benefits.
If you're looking for a brutally intense back exercise to create post activation potentiation (increased neural drive, improved neuromuscular efficiency, and enhanced power output), try using this overcoming isometric bent over barbell row ASAP.
To many lifters this may sounds like iron game heresy but there are actually 10 benefits for incorporating accommodating resistance in the form of reverse bands (band assistance) on Olympic lifts such as clean and snatch variations.
Flat feet, fallen arches, & ankle pronation are some of the most common foot & ankle dysfunctions. However they all fall under a similar category of neuromuscular and structural issues most of which are related to valgus collapse. Here’s how to fix it
This upside down pullup is an unusual but highly effective movement for targeting the pulling muscles of the upper back and arms. It also targets your abs and spinal stabilizers as you’ll need to fire every muscle in your core to maintain position.
The hanging band technique (HBT) is one of my favorite methods for improving lifting mechanics. The oscillating kinetic energy improves proprioception and technique. It can be applied to bodyweight exercises like pull-ups and dips.
If you're looking for a simple and unique way to fix your bench press mechanics look no further than this quick and easy solution. It involves performing a bench press while laying on the foam roller and performing an eccentric isometric.
The squat-stance deadlift is my go-to deadlift variation not only for my pro and collegiate athletes but also for my bodybuilders, powerlifters, and general populations clients. That's because it's ideal for strength, size, and performance.
Looking for a unique way to thrash your upper body and core? Try this barbell negative pullover to speed bench press combo movement. These can be performed in a power rack or on the floor. So why are these so potent? Here’s why.
The abdominal rollout is one of the most effective anti-extension and core activation exercise movements. Unfortunately most lifters perform them incorrectly either using an excessive range of motion or allowing the hips to drop.
The glute bridge walkout is one of my favorite glute and hamstring isolation exercises as it crushes the posterior chain. Hold an isometric glute bridge then perform small deliberate steps one at a time as you walk your feet back and forth.