The kneeling pullover is one of the most unique yet effective upper body and core exercises you’ll ever attempt In fact it provides numerous elements and benefits that make it superior to many pullover variations.
If you’re looking for a unique and functional method to add strength and size to your entire upper body, the rotational barbell protocol is just what you need. As an added bonus is does wonders for cleaning up your technique and body mechanics.
Yep that’s right 50 ab rollouts you’ve never tried or even heard of. Not only will these ab rollouts crush your core but they’re guaranteed to improve your low back health, posture, spinal alignment, athletic performance, and full body strength.
A majority of training protocols recommended by mainstream magazines as well as performance coaches relies on quantity rather than quality to produce the desired training stimulus. Here's how to remedy this issue and optimize your results.
Eccentric accentuated training can be a bit tricky when applying it to lower body strength training. Here’s how to apply the bilateral assisted negative accentuated (BANA) 2:1 method to squats, split squats, and lunges for strong and massive legs.
Two of my favorite strength training tools are the landmine and the trap bar. Here's how to combine both of these awesome and versatile training tools to create some amazing full body exercises.
Want to know why extended eccentric isometrics using 90-degree squat mechanics are so effective for dialing in your squat form? Read this article but be prepared to change your mindset and thought process on what proper squat form entails.
Eccentric Overload is one of the most effective methods for inducing functional strength and size throughout the body. Fortunately this negative accentuated principle can also be applied to pullovers and straight arm pulldowns. Heres how to do it.
If you're looking for a unique training protocol that not only improves muscle activation and body mechanics but can also be applied to every movement pattern there is, you'll want to give the offset angle training method a try.
The dumbbell squeeze press is one of the most effective exercises for crushing your chest, shoulders, and triceps. However, by applying principles of eccentric overload we can make the movement even better. Here's how.
The ab rollout is one of the most effective movements for crushing the core. Unfortunately, most individuals perform them incorrectly thereby negating the benefits and promoting potential injuries. Here's how to use the bear crawl to fix that.
I frequently run into a scenario where I'm asked what exercise I would chose if I could only select one movement. While this is a difficult choice I decided to chose an exercise that literally targets every muscle from head to toe. So here it is.
Here's one of the most simple yet effective exercises everyone should be doing on a daily basis. Unfortunately everyone sucks at it. To reap the benefits of this drill it requires proper body alignment, positioning, and coaching cues.
I recently developed a unique chest press that may in fact be one of the most effective chest presses I’ve ever used. I refer to this as the Pivot Press. Besides crushing both the upper and middle regions of the pectorals it also hits the entire posterior chain.
Kettlebells are one of the best tools for performing a variety of movements including deadlifts, squats, rows, lunges, and more. Unfortunately the ability to overload the muscles adequately can compromise their effectiveness. Here's how to resolve that.
The Smith machine gets a bad rap in the fitness industry. In fact, I rarely use it with my athletes. The one exception to this rule is the bilateral assisted negative accentuated training protocol (BANA) as it's one of the most effective methods there is.
Targeting the upper back and lats can oftentimes be quite difficult even for advanced lifters as you have to work directly through the grip, forearms, and biceps to get to your back. Using the slingshot method overcomes this issue and crushes the lats.
Want to fix your squat technique? Try incorporating reactive neuromuscular training (RNT) into your goblet squats. This is one of most simple yet effective methods for grooving proper squat technique and lower body mechanics into your CNS.
This unique pushup not only torches the pectorals, shoulders, and triceps, it also crushes the core. As an added bonus it's one of the best variations for cleaning up your pushup technique and improving shoulder function.
The overhead press is one of the most effective shoulder exercises you can perform for targeting your deltoids and upper torso. Unfortunately lifters often perform them incorrectly. By using the foam roller variation you can master your form and technique.