The abdominal rollout is one of the most effective anti-extension and core activation exercise movements. Unfortunately most lifters perform them incorrectly either using an excessive range of motion or allowing the hips to drop.
If you’re looking for a great upper body movement that also anilities the core, look no further than this unique pullover exercise. Essentially you’re performing an eccentric isometric dumbbell pullover while holding a hollow body leg raise.
Inverted rows are a great exercise for building strength and size in the upper back as well as improving posture/spinal alignment. Perform these on a single leg to increase the demands of the glutes, hamstrings, and entire posterior chain.
Inverted rows are a great exercise for building strength and size in the upper back as well as improving posture and spinal alignment. Unfortunately many individuals perform them improperly often with subtle form mistakes.
The rack pull is one of the most simple yet effective movements for crushing the entire upper back and traps. Although the movement is produced through the hips, the upper back must remain incredibly tense throughout in order to support the heavy load.