
The Ultimate Bent Over Row for Size, Strength, & Function

The Ultimate Bent Over Row for Size, Strength, and Function

Dr. Joel Seedman, Ph.D.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one exercise that crushes the entire posterior chain including the glutes, hamstrings, and upper back yet simultaneously addresses mobility, stability, and symmetry, look no further than this split stance bent over dumbbell row.  Here’s one of my awesome clients and national figure competitor Leslie Petch performing it as we prep her for her upcoming show. 

Also big shoutout to Ben Bruno as this is a modified variation of an exercise I stole from the fitness legend himself.  With that said, there are 7 reasons why this bent over row is so effective.

1. Eliminates momentum common with bent over rows. Due to the fact you’re in a stride or split stance position with a semi-inline foot placement, you’ll be forced to use strict form in order to maintain control of your body and load.

2. Stretches both the hip flexor and extensor.  Few exercises involve stretching the hip extensor and hip flexor muscles of opposing legs.  This is one of the few exercises that does so as you hold a combination lunge and hinge position.  Essentially the front leg allows eccentric elongation of the glutes and hamstrings while the back leg involves eccentric lengthening of the hip flexor.  This does wonders for lumbo-pelvic hip function and alignment as well as overall posture.

3. Addresses balance and stability.  Because you’re holding a stride or lunge-style position with a narrow base of support, you’re simultaneously working on lower body balance and stability while also crushing your entire posterior chain.   As a result this is also a great foot and ankle strengthening exercise.

4. Addresses symmetry in lower body.  If you have asymmetries or imbalances from side to side (which most lifters do), this bent over row variation will quickly expose it.  Spend several sessions cleaning up your form on this exercise and I can guarantee you you’ll significantly improve these issues and improve your overall muscle function.

5. Crushes the upper regions of the back and lats. Performing bent over rows while holding a stride/lunge variation of a hip hinge creates a slightly more upright position than most bent over rows as it modifies the angle of pull.  As a result this slightly more upright position tends to target the higher regions of the upper back and lats that are responsible for postural control as well as giving the appearance of a massive frame.

6. Involves a more low-back friendly row.  Most bent over rows can be quite strenuous on the low back and spine.  Although this is oftentimes a result of faulty mechanics and various imbalances/weaknesses, performing bent over rows from a split stance or lunge position is actually more friendly on the spine and low back. 

7. Allows a more natural dumbbell row position.  Performing bent over dumbbell rows can be tricky as the dumbbells tend to get in the way of the legs.  Unfortunately this can cause the lifter to change or modify their rowing technique in order to avoid running into their knees and thighs.  The split stance position creates a more narrow hip position (the dumbbells only have to move around one hip rather than two) thereby allowing the dumbbells sit very naturally to the sides of the torso. This creates a much more natural rowing position and comfortable path of movement.

Additional Variations:

On a side note, this movement can also be performed with the trap bar, kettlebells and barbell as well as using a foam roller to place the back foot on.  Here's one of my awesome clients Erin English demonstrating this advanced split stance RDL and row variation as the level of tension to the entire posterior chain not to mention every stabilizer is through the roof. 

If you want to further increase the difficulty, try placing your back foot on a stability ball or medicine ball as my awesome clients Kim Schaper and Charlene Harrison do here.

Focus on placing a majority of the weight onto the front leg by keeping the hips tall & hinging through the front hip. Hollowing out the core is also important as it ensures the hips stay tall throughout while also taking stress off the spine.

There’s very little room for error on these as even the slightest loss of stability, deviation in form, shifting of your hips, or body misalignment will result in you losing your balance. These are also incredibly effective for the feet & ankles which is one of the most critical yet underrated components of fitness & performance.

These can also be performed in a single arm fashion in which case you’ll want to do several reps in each of the 4 positions as ipsilateral will involve more inner thigh & adductors & contralateral will involve more outer hip/glutes & abductors.

To maximize the effectiveness of the movement while also learning proper technique I recommend using the eccentric isometric protocol rather than rushing through your reps. Learn more in my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED on website.

These can also be performed with the back foot on a slide-board or medicine ball as shown here by my awesome clients Kim Schaper and Rebecca Schaper. The benefit of placing the back leg on a slick or unstable surfaces is that it forces the lifter to place all of the load onto the front leg while simply using the back leg as slight support. Anything less including excessive momentum will cause the back leg to slip. This maximize posterior chain activation and glute recruitment.

The front leg can also be elevated to the same level as the ball to more closely mimic floor height which provides slightly less stretch to the hips but also involves a bit more instability.

I generally recommend 3 sets of 4-6 reps per leg (8-12 total reps per set).   If you’re looking for a greater challenge to stability and balance, try performing them eyes closed as well as on a softer surface such as an exercise mat.  

Bulgarian RDL’s and Bent Over Rows

Want to blast your entire posterior chain from head to toe including the upper back, lats, rear deltoids, glutes, hamstrings, and spinal stabilizers? Try this Bulgarian RDL bent over kettlebell row with a rotational grip protocol as shown here by one of my awesome Wisconsin Badgers Soccer athletes Claire Shea.

For this exercise, focus on placing a majority of the weight onto the front leg by keeping the hips tall and hinging through the front hip. Hollowing out the core is also important as it ensures the hips stay tall throughout while also taking stress off the spine. Although a similar setup can be employed using dumbbells, the kettlebells allows the implementation of the full rotational protocol.

This rotational component allows a more supinated grip position in the contracted position which maximizes tension and shoulder centration, while the pronated grip in the bottom position allows maximal eccentric elongation and stretching of the lats. Not only does this provide a very strong hypertrophy stimulus for the entire upper back and lats but this helps optimizes scapulohumeral rhythm and glenohumeral joint mechanics. In other words it reinforces proper shoulder function and positioning.

These can also be performed with dumbbells as well as implemented with more frequent RDL’s to further emphasize the glutes as shown here by my awesome client Taylor Masters.

The barbell version actually provides a very unique stimulus as I have NFL and XFL GSP sponsored pros Marcelis Branch and Taylor Heinicke performing here. 5 things to point out.

1. This is a phenomenal posterior chain exercise that crushes the entire backside including the upper back & lats as well as the glutes, hamstrings, & low back muscles. Essentially you’re holding an eccentric isometric split stance RDL while doing bent over barbell rows.

2. Besides acting as a functional strength & hypertrophy exercise this drill also addresses balance & stability as the combination of holding a split stance position while rowing a barbell requires high levels of motor control & full body stability.

3. The split stance position is one of my go-to positions for providing a functional stretch to all the larger muscles of the hips. The front leg glute & hamstring is receiving a full stretch while the back leg hip flexors are lengthening as you extend the leg behind you.

4. Although this movement can be replicated with dumbbells & kettlebells, the barbell version is exponentially more challenging for 2 reasons. First, rowing a barbell while holding a split stance position requires significantly greater balance and control as any asymmetrical pulling or deviations will cause the barbell to tilt thereby creating large rotational torques on the body that you don’t receive from dumbbells. Secondly the load is substantially farther in front of the center of mass (compared to dumbbells & kettlebells which can be held to the sides of the torso). This crushes the glutes, hamstrings, & low back muscles to a much greater degree.

5. Notice the optimal 90 degree ROM at the hip joint & elbows. This 90 deg position is something I advocate for most moves in the sagittal plane (squats, hinges, lunges, presses, & pulls). That’s because it maximizes the strength & hypertrophy stimulus while also sparing the joints not to mention having the greatest transfer to sports & everyday life by optimizing the length tension relationship of muscle fibers & enhancing proprioceptive feedback. Read more in my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.

Trap Bar Bulgarian Split Stance RDL & Row

The trap bar variation is perhaps the easiest way to overload the Bulgarian split stance row as the natural loading towards the sides of the body makes it very conducive for using heavier loads. Here are several of my NFL and collegiate football players showing how it’s done.

If you’re looking for a training program and instructional guide that teaches you how to incorporate different movements such as these into your training routine, check out my Complete Templates Series.