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Weekly Workout #7: Contextual Interference Workout - Stability & Recovery Emphasis

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Contextual Interference Workout

- Stability & Recovery Emphasis -


Special Instructions for Today’s Workout

Today’s workout consists of a large superset of 8 exercises, perform as a full circuit 2-3x.Will specifically be using a protocol called contextual interference. To highlight, contextual interference is a term used in the field of motor learning where an individual is required to be more mentally and cognitively engaged in the activity they are performing simply because there are few/less repetitive tasks taking place back to back. Instead multiple activities, tasks, or skills are carried out sequentially thereby requiring the used to retrace their motor program before repeating the same task later during the training session. This helps improve motor learning, skill acquisition, and movement mastery due to the higher level of mental engagement and cognition required when performing each movement/task. This is something Dr. Joel Seedman discusses in great depth in his book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.

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The single leg swap (single leg kettlebell swap) is an exercises I developed out of pure necessity after dealing with large groups of athletes with various types of foot and ankle deficiencies. Its also great for the core. See the video tutorial for a detailed overview.

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Although I use a variety of squats and lower body drills with my clients particularly eccentric isometric variations on traditional moves, there’s one squat variation I tend to use with just about every client due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It’s what I refer to as the front curled squat. Essentially you’re holding either dumbbells or a barbell in the top of a bicep curl position and performing squats. Yes, it’s that simple.

With that said the front curled squat and variations thereof provide 7 unique benefits over other squat variations particularly when combined with the eccentric isometric protocol.

  1. As previously alluded to the front curled squat is probably the single most simple and user friendly squat I’ve ever used so much so that just about every athlete and client I work with will have these incorporated into their routine in some form or another.

  2. Although the effects are similar to a goblet squat, the front curled squat tends to be more conducive for maintaining optimal t-spine, shoulder, and neck mechanics. That’s because the arms can spread apart naturally (emphasizing external rotation of the shoulders) rather than feeling overly crowded (oftentimes contributing to internal rotation) as they would be if you were holding a single dumbbell with a close grip. Additionally as the load gets heavier with goblet squats, the bulky nature of the dumbbell tends to feel quite awkward. This is a non-issue with the front curled squat due to the more natural position of the dumbbells.

  3. The front curled squat is also incredibly similar to a front rack kettlebell squat. While the front rack kettlebell squat is one of my personal favorite squatting variations, some individuals tend to find them very awkward as they do involve a moderate learning curve. The front curled squat on the other hand doesn’t have these issues as they’re very conducive for every level of athlete with little or no learning curve involved.

  4. One of the most common statements every athlete will make after first performing the front curled squat is how intense they were not only on the legs but also the core and upper body as the shoulders, biceps, upper back, abs, and entire lower body get crushed.

  5. Few gyms have dumbbells that exceed 100 lbs. As a result stronger athletes tend to struggle overloading the goblet squat. The front curled squat on the other hand has no such loading limitation unless of course you can easily hold two 100 pound dumbbells in each hand and squat with perfect mechanics.

  6. Similar to the goblet squat or front rack squat the front curled squat reinforces a more upright torso position and punishes the lifter if they excessively bend over at the waist. However, the front curled squat requires even more precise form as it’s incredibly unforgiving and will punish even the slightest bit of excessive forward tilt. Essentially this will cause the dumbbells to get yanked down and out of position. That’s because an excessive forward tilt with the front curled squat places extreme tension on the relatively small biceps muscles causing them to give out if there’s too much tension. The goblet squat or front rack squat on the other hand aren’t quite as unforgiving thereby allowing the lifter to get away with subtle form aberrations.

  7. The front curled squat is perhaps the single most versatile squat variation as the various modifications make it suitable for loading in a single arm or single leg fashion as well as lunges and Bulgarian squats, not to mention the use of barbells or dumbbells. The use of barbells also makes the implementation of accommodating resistance quite simple and effective while also allowing for near limitless loading capabilities.

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The single arm bent over row is an excellent lat and back exercise that simultaneously work rotary stability and anti-rotation muscles of the core. Keep the spine locked into position throughout and avoiding over-pulling at the top.

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This is a great exercise for improving shoulder and core stability. Shown in the video is NFL quarterback and all-star collegiate QB Taylor Heinicke. After suffering a shoulder injury earlier in the season we used this exercise as well as many others to greatly improve the health, strength, and function of his shoulder in order to prepare him for the NFL.

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The lunge or split squat has been one of the most popular lower body exercises for decades. Unfortunately most individuals including many athletes and “expert trainers” perform them improperly thereby negating the various benefits associated with the movement.

Here are 22 cues you’ll need to implement if you want to master your lunge and split squat mechanics.


The starting position for a lunge is critical as it dictates whether or not movement will be performed properly. Individuals should assume a very tall position on the back foot by keeping the heel (of the back leg) up and parallel to the wall in back of them. Allowing the body to sag on the back leg with the heel dropping towards the floor is the one of the biggest mistakes lifters routinely make when performing lunges. This causes the hips to drop down and forward thereby eliminating activation to the posterior chain while simultaneously placing greater stress on the lumbar spine.

Instead, the heel should be lifted as far away from the floor as possible with all of the pressure on the ball and toes of that back foot. This helps facilitate the next critical cue – forward lean.


Most people think a lunge or split squat is an upright movement with the torso perpendicular to the ground throughout. However this represents flawed mechanics. Maintaining a forward torso lean onto the heel of the front leg is essential for proper lunge technique. In fact if I had to recommend just one cue for the lunge this may be the most critical as it ensures the hips are pushed back posteriorly and actively engaged throughout the movement. Simply put, a proper lunge involves solid hip hinge mechanics. An overly upright torso position places greater stress on the knees and low back while minimizing stress to the glutes and upper thighs.


Hollowing out the core and keeping the abs pulled in and braced are key technique cues for the lunge. This ensures the hips are set back rather than sagging forward. In fact sagging hips are directly correlated with excessive lumbar extension and lack of core activation. In contrast, a braced and tight core musculature helps to facilitate the tall forward lean previously discussed.

That’s because all movements including a lunge pattern require a rigid and neutral spine to achieve optimal mechanics. This can only occur when the core is intensely engaged.


Although it will vary slightly from individual to individual as well as from variation to variation, a significant portion of the weight during a lunge will be placed on the front leg. After doing some basic pilot investigation on a force platform I found that the common weight distribution was approximately a “75/25” split with 70-75% of the weight on the front/plant leg and 25-30% on the rear/support leg.


Ideally, individuals should assume a semi-inline or semi-overlapping stride position. This means that the back and front foot should either intersect each other (when looking at the person front on) or both feet should line up right next to each other with no space between them. Unfortunately most individuals perform lunges and split squats with something I refer to as a straddled or staggered stance where there’s several inches of space or more between each foot. This ingrains faulty hip activation and dysfunctional stride mechanics that translates to groin pulls and inflammation to the hip joints. This also promotes energy leaks throughout the lower body that result in loss of torque, power, and stability, not only for the lunge itself but also during other related lower body movements such as sprinting.


Similar to a squat or deadlift, the spine needs to be set in a neutral position on lunges. This involves slight but not excessive t-spine extension with the shoulders slightly retracted and depressed throughout. In addition the head should kept neutral rather than hyperextended at the cervical spine.


If you want to work the glutes during the lunge the single worst thing you can do when lunging is to squeeze the glutes. Yes that sounds completely contradictory but it isn’t. Here’s why. As previously mentioned a proper lunge requires strong hip hinge mechanics particularly during the eccentric phase of the movement. In order to tax the glute muscles they must be eccentrically elongated during the negative phase of the movement. That means the hips have to sit back posteriorly rather than allowing them to drift forward.

Squeezing the glutes during a lunge facilitates an overly-upright body position that eliminates the all important hip hinge. In addition it minimizes the degree of eccentric elongation of the glute muscles. As a result squeezing the glutes during a lunge not only degrades optimal body mechanics and destroys the knees but eliminates the ability to fully tax the posterior chain.


Depending on the stance length during a lunge, the front knee will be located somewhere above and in-line with the front ankle and mid-foot (when viewing the movement from a side or lateral view). Lunges with larger/longer stride mechanics will typically demonstrate a knee position with the patella roughly above and in-line with the ankle. Shorter stride mechanics and close-stance lunges will typically have a knee placement above and in-line with the arch or mid foot. When the front knee begins to drift towards the toe and beyond, this represents faulty mechanics with excessive anterior knee drift. This is simply a byproduct of faulty hip mechanics as the individual failed to properly hinge at the hip joint and shift the hip joint back posteriorly.


By forcing the lifter to assume a semi in-line stride position (simply have them stand on a line) then having them perform controlled eccentric isometric lunges, the biomechanics of the lower extremity, particularly the medial-lateral components, inevitably end up in the optimal position as anything less will result in a loss of balance.

It’s only when a faulty stance position and rushed, sloppy movements are employed that addressing medial-lateral alignment issues become necessary. However, one brief cue I’ll periodically give my athletes particularly when there is any valgus knee and ankle collapse, is to push the knee and ankle of the front leg out laterally similar to spreading the knees and ankles on a squat. However as previously mentioned this typically is not needed if a proper stance is assumed as the athlete will naturally be forced to discover this quickly for themselves if any semblance of balance and body control is to be maintained.


While it’s important to achieve a full range of motion on a lunge, many individuals collapse to the floor as a result of losing tension and muscular tightness. Touching the floor does not necessarily represent flawed recruitment patterns as long as the individual controls the descent and gently touches or slowly settles to the floor while maintaining proper mechanics and body alignment. However for most individuals terminating the range of motion with the back knee 1-3 inches above floor height will typically be ideal.


Deficit lunges where the individual stands on two boxes or benches to achieve a greater range of motion have gained popularity over the last several years. In fact this was something I used to incorporate with my own athletes. Although it provides a large stretch I began to notice clients complaining of tightness and inflammation in the lower extremities as well as slight alterations to other movements including gait mechanics. Once we eliminated these and focused on natural lunge motions the dysfunctional symptoms quickly faded.


Walking lunges represent one of the most popular methods for performing lunges. However most individuals should not be performing lunges in a walking fashion as this dynamic method often causes form and mechanics to degrade to a greater extent. There are several reasons for this.

First, forward momentum during walking lunges has a tendency to drive the hips too far anteriorly making it difficult to keep optimal hip hinge mechanics. It’s for this very reason that many individuals often complain of knee and low back pain associated with lunges.

Second, the walking or stepping lunge (forward or backward) is much more difficult to correct and to fine-tune body positioning as the movement occurs too quickly to make subtle adjustments to form and technique. Stationary lunges particularly when performed in a controlled and methodical fashion such as with eccentric isometrics allow the individual to hone in on their mechanics and make the necessary adjustments.

Finally, most individuals have very poor balance and stability. Having an athlete who displays faulty hip, foot, and ankle mechanics perform walking or stepping lunges is setting them up for failure and further degradations in technique. As a result the individual will be forced to rely on compensation patterns and straddled stance alignment in order to maintain any semblance of balance and body control. However once proper lunge technique is mastered and all traces of dysfunction are eliminated, walking lunges can still provide unique benefits.


A subtle yet fairly common issue that occurs during lunges is the knee and foot of the back leg drifts laterally (out) or medially (in) to compensate for appropriate hip ankle strength. Although it’s rarely extreme it’s something to take note of and correct as the foot, ankle, knee, and hip of the back leg should be kept in alignment with each other. Often times correcting stance width and assuming a semi-inline or semi-overlapped stride position will resolve this as the straddled stance position often promotes faulty mechanics of both the front and back leg.


Lunges can be performed with a variety of stance or stride lengths ranging from a long stance to a shorter stance. Longer stance positions generally target the hips and glutes more intensely while shorter positions tends to target the quads. The key is not letting stance length dictate lunge technique as form and body mechanics should remain relatively constant regardless of stance length.


On a similar note, many individuals will assume a stride position and perform lunges with the intention of creating a large stretching sensation in the hip flexor of the back leg. Doing so eliminates optimal hip hinge mechanics, promotes excessive lordotic curvature of the spine, and places extreme strain on the hip flexor of the back leg. This can also lead to pulls and tweaks in the groin and hip area particularly when implemented into a training routine that involves running and sprinting.

Working with high-level athletes I’ve seen this occur firsthand as the exaggerated stretch negatively impacts other movement such as running mechanics. While the stretching sensation may feel relieving while performing the movement, the hip flexors and surrounding muscles tend to come back with a vengeance several hours later feeling even tighter and more spastic than before. This is the body’s safety mechanism to ensure such an exaggerated stretch doesn’t occur again.

Rather than searching for a large stretching sensation on lunges, find the strongest and most stable position while achieving proper mechanics. This will allow the hip flexors to be stretched optimally and to their natural extent, not beyond it.


A proper lunge should involve 4 joint angles that are approximately 90 degrees. This includes 3 of the front leg (hip, knee, and ankle) and 1 of the back leg (the knee). In addition the femur of the front leg and tibia of the back leg should be approximately parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement. These features represents optimal biomechanics not only for producing force, but for absorbing force, maximizing power, and minimizing stress to the joints and connective tissue.


When performing a stationary lunge or split squat, the torso should move straight up and down while maintaining a continuous forward lean in the torso. Any horizontal displacement of the torso indicates faulty hip mechanics and lack of spinal rigidity.


Before I ever have clients perform lunges we spend a significant amount of time (1-4 weeks) correcting and strengthening their feet and ankles. Teaching someone to lunge who barely has the ability to maintain balance on one leg makes about as much sense as having an athlete perform ring pushups who’s unable to hold a solid plank position. Unfortunately I see this quite often with trainers and coaches. Build your foundation first. For lunges that foundation begins with the feet and ankles.


On a similar note I recommend going either barefoot or using minimalist shoes when performing lunges. Nothing will degrade lunge mechanics more than thick clunky shoes with exaggerated foot and ankle support. In addition, once you’ve built enough foot and ankle strength to successfully perform correct lunge mechanics, few exercises do more for improving foot and ankle mechanics than doing controlled weighted lunges in barefoot or minimalist conditions.


Proper lunge mechanics produce the most biomechanically sound osteokinematics that inevitably allow the lifter to safely handle the heaviest loads with the greatest efficiency. If you’re unsure as to whether or not you have strong lunge mechanics and efficient technique you may want to assess your strength on the movement. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to use at least 50% of your 1RM squat and perform several proper lunges with controlled technique and smooth form. If you’re unable to do this then you’re lunge mechanics are most likely amiss.


If you want to truly master the lunge and split squat then at some point you’ll need to become efficient at performing them under eyes closed conditions. In fact any athlete who trains with me is eventually forced to do this as I’ve seen a strong correlation between the ability to perform eyes closed lunges, body mechanics, motor control, and injury prevention.

Eventually you should be capable of performing at least 50% of your bodyweight during eyes closed lunges (a 200 pound individual would use 50 pound dumbbells or 100 pound barbell). In addition these should be done under barefoot or minimalist conditions while simultaneously pausing at the bottom (1-3 inches from the floor) in an eccentric isometric fashion.


A simple self-diagnostic assessment you can perform to analyze whether or not you’re achieving optimal hip hinge mechanics is to do a test I refer to as the lunge-to squat-to-lunge test. Assume the bottom of a lunge position then move into a squat without adjusting your hip mechanics or torso angle. Then do the reverse by going from your squat back to your lunge while keeping the same general body alignment. If you’re able to perform this test seamlessly without losing balance or feeling pulled out of position, most likely your lunge mechanics (as well as your squat technique) are pretty solid. If this test is difficult for you then it’s time to clean up your lunge form.

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Here I have 2 of my awesome bodybuilding clients Leslie Petch and Ben Lai performing 2 variations of lat pulldowns that are incredibly effective for reducing the all-too-common- excessive back arch & lumbar extension we often witness with lat pulldowns & pullups. While it’s important to maintain a slight natural arch in order to ensure the shoulders are pulled back and the client is squeezing their upper back, most of the extension should be occurring through the t-spine, not the lumbar spine. By sitting with the hips in a flexed position this helps minimize the degree of lumbar extension as it pulls the pelvis in a more neutral position & also helps engage the abs & anterior core. These absolutely annihilate the lats & upper back especially since the lifter is unable to rely on excessive momentum or low back extension. They also have great transfer to pullups.

There is a subtle difference between the 2 variations. Variation #1 involves a knee tuck position. While this is definitely going to eliminate excessive lumbar extension, some folks might find it difficult to keep their shoulders down & retracted. The 2nd variation tends to be a bit easier to maintain retracted & depressed shoulders although it does allow a bit more extension in the low back to occur.

Most folks will find both options beneficial however some will likely favor one over the other. Regardless of which variation you choose I recommend performing them in an eccentric isometric fashion as both Leslie and Ben show here as it not only maximizes the functional strength & hypertrophy but it also helps maximize technique, biomechanics and muscle function via enhanced proprioceptive feedback. The ROM shown here (approximately 90 deg.) is optimal.

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Bottoms-up exercises are some of the most difficult strength training movements there are. The single arm bottoms-up overhead press performed with the kettlebell is the most classic bottoms-up movement. Not only will these build the shoulders, upper back, core, and grip strength, but they will teach you to control offset loads as you'll be holding the weight on one side (unilateral).

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Here's a great exercise for targeting the glutes, quads, and hamstrings as well as the inner and outer thighs. Many individuals use excessive range of motion on lateral lunges. Using 90 degree angles is best as it maximizes activation and muscle function while eliminating stress on the joints. The key is keeping the hips pushed back throughout as this takes stress off the knees.

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Low Intensity Interval Cardio