
Monster Mass | Functional Bodybuilding

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Monster Mass | Functional Bodybuilding


If you’re goal is unprecedented levels of muscle mass, strength and functional size then this program is for you. Developed by Dr. Joel Seedman this mass building routine is designed to induce extreme levels of muscular hypertrophy, lean mass gains, and strength from head to toe.  As an added bonus you’ll also improve muscle function and biomotor capabilities and neuromuscular coordination without sacrificing any athletic performance, mobility or posture. Many bodybuilding routines are unfortunately very detrimental on muscle function and athletic performance.  In fact many of these mainstream traditional bodybuilding routines tend to deteriorate muscle function and impair biomotor capabilities including stability, balance, flexibility, mobility, agility, and neuromuscular coordination. The aftermath is that most bodybuilding routines are not ideal for the general public. In contrast this routine enhances each of these critical performance factors.

Add to Cart | $199.95