Weekly Workout #7: Recovery - Stabilization & Balance Emphasis
Recovery Workout
- Stabilization & Balance Emphasis -
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Foot and ankle training is perhaps the single most neglected component of fitness and performance training. Without proper foot and ankle mechanics it’s impossible to perform any lower body movement correctly. With that said if you haven’t checked out my Ultimate Foot and Ankle Manuel and e-book I’m offering a 24 hours sale starting this Wednesday where you’ll get $50 dollars off with the coupon code. This particular drill demonstrated in the video by NFL athlete Blake Simms showcases one of dozens of videos and exercises I include in the Ultimate Foot and Ankle book.
To perform this drill simply perform single leg stands laterally on a decline bench. Although you can perform these linearly either on an incline (having your toes toward the lower end of the bench which helps activate the muscles around the toes), or on a decline (with the toes towards the higher portion of the bench which stretches the calves and Achilles more), performing them in a lateral angled fashion as shown by Blake provides other unique benefits. More specifically it helps hone in on various foot issues such as pronation, flat feet, and supination by feeding dysfunction.
For instance, for individuals with ankle pronation and flat feet, standing laterally on the bench so that the inside or medial portion/inside of the foot is on the decline/lower portion of the bench) is recommended. In essence this feeds dysfunction as the angled position is attempting to push the individual into even greater pronation. As a result the person will have to resist this to a greater extent by relying on the muscles responsible for supination. This is a great drill for restoring the natural arch of the foot.
For individuals with ankle supination and overly high arches as well as lack of big toe activation, the drill would be performed in the opposite fashion so that the outside or lateral portion of the foot is on the decline/lower portion of the bench). In essence this feeds dysfunction as the angled position is attempting to push the individual into even greater supination. As a result the person will have to resist this to a greater extent by relying on the muscles responsible for pronation and pushing to the inside of their foot. This is also a great drill for teaching individuals to activate their big toes which is critical for proper foot and ankle mechanics.
If the athlete does not seem to display excessive levels of either pronation or supination but simply needs general strengthening of the feet, then both versions of the drill would be performed just as I’m having Blake do in the video. To increase the difficulty, try performing these with an exercise matt or with eyes closed or both. Hold for 20-45 seconds in each position.
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Here's a great alternative to the traditional pistol squat or single leg squat that actually challenges the targeted musculature without destroying the joints or degrading optimal body mechanics. These are deceptively challenging as they require significant stabilization, balance, motor control, mobility, postural alignment, and strength to successfully perform. These are also quite effective for targeting the muscles of the feet and ankles which is an incredibly underrated component of fitness and performance.
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A common problem with bent over rows is that the weight is loaded to the front of the body which places greater stress on the low back and also promotes shoulder elevation. Trying to eliminate this by using dumbbells and pulling them to the sides of the body causes the weights to run into the legs.
A simple solution that allows the weight to sit freely to the sides of the body while simultaneously promoting incredibly strict form are single leg bent over dumbbell rows. Once you learn to balance on one leg, the movement feels more natural than most bent over rows as the weight can fall to the side of the support leg without feeling encumbered or crowded.
You’ll also be forced to eliminate any momentum, cheating, or technique issues as any aberrations in form will immediately disrupt balance. Ideally you should be able to handle at least 70% of the weight you use for standard bent over rows. If you’re unable to do this then you most likely need to work on your single leg balance, hip function, and rowing mechanics.
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Although the larger roller is my go-to, you can also use the small foam roller as shown here by my bodybuilder Ben Lai. The small foam roller provides additional benefits. First, it targets the glutes and hamstrings as you’re holding an unstable isometric glute bridge. This teaches the lifter to drive with their hips – a critical component of proper bench press mechanics. Additionally, the head off position promotes heightened spinal rigidity and optimal levels of t-spine extension as the cervical spine can fully lengthen without being compressed against another surface.
The benefits this has on posture, spinal positioning, and shoulder mechanics is incredible as it’s much easier to retract, depress and medially rotate the scapula when the head and neck are unrestricted. The key is to maintain a neutral cervical position while producing extension through the t-spine. Oddly enough, many of my athletes end up preferring head-off chest pressing variations once they become accustomed to the unique stimulus as traditional variations (with the head on the bench) tend to feel very constricting and unnatural compared to the head off variations.
In addition I've seen this do wonders for shoulder injuries and upper body movement mechanics due to improved shoulder centration and packing of the glenohumeral joint. These improved mechanics typically lead to increases in upper body pressing power, strength, stability, and force production. As an added bonus it's one of the best neck strengthening and neck corrective exercises which happens to be a very underrated and oftentimes neglected component of fitness. For individuals who sit at a desk and spend excessive time in cervical flexion this is of huge value.
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I call this the anti-rolling lunge. This exposes energy leaks and faulty mechanics as any movement aberration will result in the ball rolling around and causing loss of control.
To eliminate the rolling effect the lifter’s force vectors will have to be transmitted perfectly vertical into the ground with no energy leaks or waisted force/motion. In many ways this also represents a slight regression of the foam roller variations as it’s slightly easier than the foam roller versions I previously highlighted. With that said movement aberrations are not as quickly punished with the medicine ball variations as it does allow slightly more room for deviations and subtle errors. However as mentioned it is a great way to get the best of both worlds by combining the effects of the two foam roller variations. As an added bonus this is an incredible drill for strengthening the muscles around the feet and ankles as these variations require incredible stability, balance, and motor control.
Try applying the medicine ball technique to any of your favorite lunges including barbell, dumbbell, goblet style, single arm variations, and kettlebell variations. Eyes closed variations will also provide incredible feedback about your lower body function and mechanics. Several sets of 5-8 reps either as a warmup to help dial in your CNS or as a lower body finisher will do wonders for strengthening your legs and ingraining proper lunge mechanics. Read more HERE.
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This specific variation of the glute bridge helps to eliminate multiple types of dysfunction as the ball will roll out laterally, medially, or front to back unless mechanics are rock solid. It also lights up the glutes and hamstrings.
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This unilateral lat pulldown variation performed in a kneeling position is a great exercise for targeting the lats and the core simultaneously. At the top position the hand should be pronated and as you pull into the contracted position the handle will gradually rotate to a supinated or underhand grip. This grip positioning will help create the greatest stretch in the top position and most intense squeeze in the contracted position. Think of this as a revers Arnold press or an Arnold/rotating lat pulldown. Although it takes a bit of mental engagement to get the hang of the rotating movement, this rotational protocol of the grip and arm is very comfortable as it allows natural scapulohumeral rhythm and optimal centration/packing of the shoulder joint. Read more HERE.
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An excellent grip and hand strengthening exercise not to mention the incredible strain it places on the upper body stabilizers and overall core musculature. The drop and catch is a very intense eccentric stimulus for the forearms and finger muscles.