Weekly Workout #6: Speed & Power - Full Body Emphasis
Speed & Power Workout
- Full Body Emphasis -
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Band resisted squat jumps can easily be performed using the hanging kettlebell or dumbbell setup as both illustrated in the video tutorial. Besides providing similar benefits as the barbell jump squats these tend to be a bit more low back and shoulder friendly than the barbell variations. Read more HERE.
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Here is a single arm rotational rope row which are incredibly effective for overhead and throwing athletes. The squat stance further taxes the lower body and core stabilizers which promotes greater full body tension and motor control. One of the benefits of using the rope is that it allows a rotational movement of the hands to occur which produces greater activation of the lats and upper back. There are 4 reasons for this.
The pronated grip allows a greater stretch and elongation of the lats, while the supinated position promotes a stronger squeeze throughout the back when moving into the contracted position. This combination is incredibly potent not only for improving postural mechanics and spinal alignment but also for inducing functional hypertrophy and strength in the upper back.
The rotational movement allows more natural scapulohumeral rhythm making it very therapeutic on the glenohumeral join. I frequently incorporate these for athletes who have shoulder issues and the effects are quite profound.
The less restricted single arm position allows slight rotational movement of the upper torso. This further increases the ROM in both the stretched and contracted positions creating one enormous contraction on each repetition. It’s worth noting that the squat setup produces slightly smaller stretch than if the movement were to be performed from a slight hinge position. However, both versions are beneficial with their own unique attributes.
The core is forced to stabilize the movement and resist excessive rotation thereby increasing spinal rigidity. This enhances the stimulus to the upper back and lats.
Whichever version you chose make sure you fully extend on the eccentric phase without rounding the shoulders as this would represent excessive protraction, a common rowing mistake.
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This is a great exercise for improving power output and explosive capabilities in the upper body as it focuses on both acceleration and deceleration. Try to push your body back into an upright standing position - this is not easy but rather more of a mental cue that will spur explosive reps.
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The swing is working the entire posterior chain from head to toe (glutes, hamstrings, & back). Also, by applying band tension to the swings, not only does this produce more total tension but it creates a stronger force vector in the horizontal direction. As a result this further emphasizes the glutes & posterior chain without placing added stress on the spine.
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Looking for an exercise that improves your running mechanics, enhances your mobility, improves your speed and power, and enhance your jumping performance? Try this reverse pause-lunge to jump with knee-drive combo as demonstrated by one of my collegiate high jumpers Bailey Weiland. Notice how she maintains a forward lean and hip hinge on the lunge phase which represents ideal lunging mechanics for any lunge variation. Once she locks the eccentric isometric into position and feels for the most stable and strongest mechanics she then explodes out of the lunge by loading her front leg while simultaneously driving with the opposite knee. In addition notice how she focuses on landing on one leg briefly to teach unilateral force absorption - a critical aspect of speed, power, and performance. Finally notice the use of the dorsiflexion throughout which is another subtle yet highly critical coaching cue and technique pointer. Try performing several sets of 3-5 reps using lighter loads and watch your athletic performance, explosive power, and overall muscle function improve.
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This is an example of using compensatory acceleration (maximal concentric lifting speed) with lighter loads. This technique is excellent for increasing power and explosive movement. Focus on staying as controlled and tight as possible while using maximal lifting speed on the pull.
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Great variation of the overhead press with accommodating resistance. Make sure you get get thoracic spine extension at the bottom by flexing your lats and upper back and sticking your chest out while keeping your core tight. At the top drive the weight up and back and get the head through.
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Want to improve your jumping mechanics? Try using the “Bridge The Gap” (BTG) protocol on box jumps as I have several NFL and CFL athletes and GSP sponsored pros doing here including Julian Williams, Greg Reid, Marquell Beckwith, and Brandon Bartlett.
I recently released an article highlighting the benefits of the bridge the gap protocol and have received incredible response and feedback from coaches and athletes expressing how effective it’s been for their athletes and training as well. Essentially it helps reinforce optimal foot and ankle activation as the lifter is forced to maintain an active foot rather than a passive or “dead foot” position.
One of the most common issues I see in athletes when jumping is energy leaks and instability in their hips, knees, and ankles (i.e. valgus collapse) which can almost always be linked back directly or indirectly to their feet. Additionally many athletes will demonstrate foot and ankle misalignment when jumping which significantly compromises jump performance. Teach the athlete how to properly activate their feet and the issues begin to improve almost immediately. The BTG box jumps my athletes show here helps to insure that the entire foot and ankle complex is maximally engaged before jumping. As a result it ingrains optimal alignment and firing patterns up the kinetic chain.
Yes you obviously won’t be as powerful during the jumps during this specific drill however the goal is to clean up jumping mechanics and eliminate energy leaks/weak links in the kinetic chain. Once the athlete grooves these new-found firing patterns into their CNS they’ll inevitably be able to jump with greater power and height since all of the force will be transmitted perfectly vertically into the ground rather than having wasted energy and misdirected force vectors. This also means fewer lower body injuries.
As an added bonus this also improves landing mechanics even though the lifter is simply landing on a traditional box. That’s because the intense/enhanced activation patterns achieved on the jump phase acts as a primer by preparing the body to use the same activation and firing patterns during the subsequent landing phase. You’ll also notice the use of the deconstructed eccentric isometric box jump protocol as it helps clean up additional jumping and landing mechanics as well. Read more about the deconstructed box jump method here.
Read more about the Bridge The Gap protocol in full article HERE.
High Intensity Interval Cardio (HIT)
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