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Weekly Workout #3: Hypertrophy & Higher Reps - Upper Body Emphasis

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Hypertrophy & Higher Reps

- Upper Body Emphasis -


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NOTE: Perform 5 reps with a heavy weight, rest 20 seconds, and then perform another 5 reps.

The Anti-Seated or squatting cable row is one of my favorite rowing variations for teaching the lifter how to keep their posture locked in during horizontal pulling movements. Adding the rotational grip component further enhances lat activation as there's a larger squeeze in the contracted position and greater stretch in the eccentric stretched position.


Here's NFL athlete Chris Carson demonstrating 100 lb Renegade Rows with his feet elevated which requires insane core & upper back strength.

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Option #2 (Bottoms-Up Version)

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Great exercise for targeting the chest, shoulders, triceps, and lats. Keep the hands neutral throughout. This keeps the scapula and shoulder joint in the proper position allowing the strongest and safest biomechanics.

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NOTE: This can be performed with chairs or boxes. In addition, you can superset normal pullups directly after (as illustrated in the video) or simply perform the pullup plank alone.

When it comes to improving posture, spinal alignment, body mechanics, shoulder health, joint integrity, and overall movement quality, the name of the game is posterior chain. Simply, targeting our upper back, glutes, hamstrings, rear deltoids, and neck muscles can do wonders not only for improving postural mechanics but also for building some ridiculous functional strength and size throughout your physique.

Although there are a number of techniques and exercises I like to employ for targeting the posterior chain, one that I’ve been using more frequently is the plank row and variations thereof. Essentially you’re using two benches to hold yourself up with your arms almost like a reverse plank. I was first introduced to the basic variation of this exercise through expert strength coach Lee Boyce and his article on T-Nation. Since then I’ve experimented with a number of unique modifications, protocols, and variations to further enhance the stimulus. Here’s a quick breakdown of each movement including the overall benefits of the plank row protocol.


The plank row protocol is one of the most effective horizontal pulling variations for isolating the upper back and postural muscles by taking a traditional rowing activation pattern and applying direct stimulation. However, this same concept can just as easily and effectively be applied to pullups and vertical pulling movements as I show in this video using 2 plyometric boxes with a leg raise protocol.

Similar to plank rows, the pullup plank produces incredible activation throughout the upper back particularly in the lats. When performed as a pre-exhaustion superset paired with pullups as I show here, the intensity of lat and upper back activation is through the roof. Furthermore these help ensure that the smaller muscles such as arms, grip, and forearms, are not the limiting factor (which they oftentimes are during pullups) as the lats and upper back will fatigue before anything else thanks to the prior plank pullup drill pre-exhausting the prime movers.

Additionally the levels of intramuscular tension and metabolic stress are inordinately high making these a brutally effective superset for inducing functional strength and hypertrophy. Furthermore, these do wonders for teaching the lifter to produce a strong muscle mind connection with the lats and aggressively fire their upper back muscles rather than solely relying on their arms to perform vertical pulling movements – another common problem during pullups and chinups.

Plank pullups also require the lifter to centrate and pack their shoulder joint while performing a vertical pulling motion as it’s almost impossible to hold the 90 degree position without setting the glenohumeral joint in its appropriate position. For individuals who have a tendency to over elevate and protract the shoulders during pullups these are a sure-fire remedy.

Lastly, most individuals have a tendency to over-pull at the top of pullups and rows. These teach the lifter to find the optimal 90 degree position which happens to represent the approximate optimal stopping point on pullups and rows.

On a side note, you may be asking why not just use leg raise straps to perform these. While the position is similar I’ve found the box plank variation to be exponentially more challenging. That’s because with leg raise straps you have to use your hands and grip to help steady the straps which greatly minimizes overall lat activation. The pullup plank using the boxes remedies this as the lifter has to rely exclusively on their lats to lock in their position.

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This next exercise is a single arm overhead Z-press with a bottoms up plate. Notice the 90 degree eccentric isometrics he uses to dial in is form & find his optimal mechanics.

This drill can also be performed with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or water jug. The z press provides many benefits (that can’t be replicate with other variations) including more core activation particularly on single arm variation as shown here as well as reduced lumbar extension. For more info on the overhead Z-press & the many benefits of this exercise along with 12+ variations check out full article at

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Here is an eccentric isometric squat & bicep curls with the hanging band protocol. Notice how Austin is hitting 90 degree angles just like every other squat I’ve been posting. It has nothing to do with my coaching but instead has everything to do with what the human body naturally gravitates to.

Simply put 90 deg represents the optimal ROM for loaded squats for the human body in terms of optimizing neuromuscular function, biomechanics, osteokinematics, lever arms, proprioception, stability, joint health, power production, & overall muscle function including mobility (yes that’s right mobility improves when you used safe & functional ROM’s such a 90-deg, not excessive & dysfunctional ROM’s which actually degrade mobility). This does not change based on individual differences. Individual differences in anthropometrics only dictate what’s possible in terms of ROM & mechanics, not what’s optimal. More in full article.

In terms of this particular squat these not only reinforce proper squat mechanics is it forces the athletes to keep the core incredibly tight with max full body tension but it’s also a great way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Periodic arm training can be beneficial for athletes particularly throwing athletes as it improves elbow health. Unfortunately athletes often have limited training time. Periodically combining arm isolation with functional lower body movements is a great way to practice your squat pattern while also blasting your arms.


Besides absolutely torching the biceps, forearms, upper back, shoulders, & core these also reinforce very strict 90 degree squat mechanics (optimal squat depth). That’s because it’s almost impossible to collapse & go past 90 deg as the trap bar bar will end up hitting your legs. Your biceps also get crushed as you’ll be flexing the daylights out of them to keep the trap bar from collapsing to your thighs, forcing you to maintain maximal bicep activation in the contracted position (a strong hypertrophy stimulus).

Because of the biomechanically disadvantageous leverage involved with holding the trap bar in front of you, too much momentum on the eccentric makes it feel like you’ll lose control of the bar & be unable to keep your arms flexed. This forces the athlete to use an eccentric isometric protocol in order to avoid having the momentum pull the arms down.

Eccentric Isometrics are the single most effective training method I know of for maximizing functional strength & size while also optimizing joint health, body mechanics, & athletic performance. Read more about eccentric isometrics in my book MOVEMENT REDEFINED.

Lastly, as previously mentioned the effects are quite similar to a goblet squat although the core gets taxed to a greater extent on these since the load is further in front of the center of mass. However, another benefit these have over goblet squats is the wider neutral grip which reinforces sound posture. Oftentimes the close grip position on goblet squats can lead to excessive shoulder rounding. This variation helps remedy that.

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The two most common variations of the tricep pressdown is to perform it with either a rope or with a rigid metal attachment (i.e. v-bar or straight bar). Each provides its own unique benefits. The rope variation places more constant tension on the triceps by isolating them while the standard bars allow greater overload. Each of these provides it’s own unique hypertrophy stimulus. Fortunately it’s possible to take advantage of each of the stimuli by combining both methods.

Using a heavy load and rope attachment, press both ends of the rope together and push the weight down. Because both arms will be assisting each other and pressed together rather than separate, this allows maximal overload in a similar fashion as using a metal attachment.

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The lunge and lateral raise combo is one of my favorite ways to blast the side delts as it essentially kills 2 birds with 1 stone since you're also targeting the eccentric isometric lunge or split stance pattern while crushing your shoulders.

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Option #2 (Bands Optional)

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Excellent farmers walk variation for grip, forearms, and finger strength. Also provides powerful training stimulus to full body via concurrent activation potentiation (forces you to stay tight).


RDL Clean Pull Power Shrugs with Reverse Bands which is a great power & speed exercise that also builds the upper back, glutes, and posterior chain in a functional manner particularly when using eccentric isometrics as shown here. Focus on driving with the hips and shrugging at the top.

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If you’re looking for a rear deltoid exercise that fully taxes the entire posterior chain from head to toe, crushes the grip, and also fixes your bent over lateral raise mechanics then you’ll want to give these a try. Performing lateral raises on a glute ham raise station not only targets the glutes, hamstrings, spinal stabilizers, and postural muscles but the torso position ends up being perfectly parallel to the floor making it impossible to cheat the movement. As a result your rear deltoids will get absolutely scorched from this variation. Here's one of my football athletes Nick England showing how it's done.

In fact most individuals end up using excessive body english and an overly upright torso position when performing bent over lateral raises. As a result they use their traps, upper back, and side deltoids more than the rear portion of the shoulders. Performing these on a glute ham raise station completely eliminates these issues.

Add in the dumbbell pinch grip protocol and this further helps to eliminate momentum and cheating that are all too-common with lateral raises. As a result the lifter has better mechanics and more controlled and packed shoulder positioning.

Although you’ll have to substantially decrease the load you would typically handle on bent over lateral raises, the stimulation to the targeted musculature will be well worth the temporary decrease in weight. Just be prepared for a serious burn followed soon thereafter by some serious functional strength and hypertrophy gains in the rear deltoids. As an added bonus you’ll also experience improved posture and spinal alignment, not to mention seriously strong grip.

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Offset dumbbell pullovers are a great way to simultaneously blast your upper back and lats while also targeting your core and spinal stabilizers. Here's my awesome client Leslie Petch showing how it's done with a hollow body hold on bench. The weight should be 2x the load in the heavier hand as Leslie shows with a 30 lb and 15 lb dumbbell.

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