Weekly Workout #6: Hypertrophy & Higher Reps - Lower Body Emphasis
Hypertrophy & Higher Reps
- Lower Body Emphasis -
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If you're going to perform leg press it needs to be done with proper technique and controlled repetitions. Adding accommodating resistance with bands makes the movement even more effective as it increases tension in the top position where the muscles are typically allowed to rest. With this protocol this ensure constant tension throughout.
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The combination of both a stretched and weighted plank make this one of the most difficult and effective core exercises you can perform. The stretched or long lever position places even greater extension forces on the spine that your body must resist to maintain a rigid and strong position. As an added bonus your lats will also receive ample stimulation from this similar to a pullover movement. The goal with this exercise is to stretch out as far as possible to the point where you feel as though you can hold it for no longer than 20 seconds. If you're able to go longer then your most likely not stretching out enough. This allows the exercise to be adapted and modified for any and all fitness levels. Just be sure to keep the hips and core tall throughout without letting the low back or hips sag as this places undue stress on the spine and limited tension on the core. In addition avoiding letting the upper back and shoulders round as is very common during plank positions yet very poor on postural alignment shoulder health.
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RDL's are one of the single best exercises for strengthening the entire posterior chain as well as targeting postural muscles of the entire body. Focus on hinging at the hips throughout and keeping a neutral arch throughout.
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Proper lunge mechanics produce the most biomechanically sound osteokinematics that inevitably allow the lifter to safely handle the heaviest loads with the greatest efficiency. If you’re unsure as to whether or not you have strong lunge mechanics and efficient technique you may want to assess your strength on the movement. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to use at least 50% of your 1RM squat and perform several proper lunges with controlled technique and smooth form. If you’re unable to do this then you’re lunge mechanics are most likely amiss. Here I'm using well over 50% of my 1RM squat to perform barbell lunges/split squats using controlled lifting tempo.
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If you're looking for an absolutely brutal superset to devastate your quads and produce massive levels of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy throughout your thighs, this leg extension goblet squat superset will do the trick. Try performing the leg extensions with the mid pause technique to eliminate momentum and place additional tension on the quads. It's also a great method for reducing tension to the knee joints since you're minimizing momentum and potential hyperextension in the top position. By performing these prior to the goblet squat it insures that we've pre-exhausted the quads thoroughly which causes them to fatigue and failed before the upper body or core does. In other words it helps isolate the quads even more so on the goblet squats. The pre-exhaustion technique using leg extensions before squats is an old school bodybuilding technique that has been used for decades by some of the best bodybuilders in the world.
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Great movement for the glutes and hamstrings. This exercise can also be done on a slick surface (wood or tile floor) with a towel under the heels.
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The hanging dumbbell squat is one of my favorite lower body exercises for crushing the legs. Unfortunately once your clients and athletes get too strong, even the heaviest dumbbells won't provide enough of a challenge. So what's the solution? Chains!!!! Here's one of my awesome clients and figure athletes Erin English crushing this with a 100 lb dumbbell and additional 60 lbs of chains. A 100 lb squat for Erin would be a bit too light to really overload her lower body but 160 lbs is more appropriate for stimulating leg growth. The chain loading also force the lifter to be strict and rigid with their form as the chains tends to shift and swing unless the athletes uses smooth and controlled form. I've also noticed the chain loading helps improve postural rigidity and shoulder positioning as collapsed posture feels horribly uncomfortable on the neck, traps, and shoulders particularly with the chains on top.
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This calve raise superset is one of the more painful variations yet also one of the more effective protocols you can perform for maximizing muscle growth in the calves. Perform slow and controlled reps then once the calve begin to fatigue blast out as many quick reps as possible.