Weekly Workout #2: Speed & Power Workout - Full Body Emphasis
Speed & Power Workout
- Full Body Emphasis -
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Option #2
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This is an advanced variation of the single leg swap that works on rate of stabilization development (RSD) as well as reactive stabilization, and uniform stabilization. The key is performing the swap rapidly to force the muscles to turn on quickly.
Main Option
Alternate Option
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First, the front curled squat is one of my favorite variations for cleaning up squat mechanics. Unfortunately they don’t quite overload the lower body for ample hypertrophy. Combining it with the hanging kettlebell squat allows you to get the corrective exercise benefits of the front curled squat protocol while also achieving ample overload to the legs & back. This cross body offset loading also helps maximize core & ab activation, spinal rigidity, & full body tension. During this particular setup the total tension at the top is approximately 200-250 lbs. Also notice the eccentric isometric protocol. This helps maximize body mechanics and technique via enhanced proprioceptive feedback & muscle spindle activation (a result of emphasizing a more controlled eccentric phase).
I’m often asked if I ever used other rep tempos other than slow & controlled eccentric isometrics (EI’s). The answer is yes!! Besides incorporating plyometrics, med ball drills, & Olympic lifting variations I also regularly implement Rapid Eccentric Isometrics (REI’s).
Marquell is performing traditional eccentric isometrics barbell squats while Julian is performing rapid eccentric isometrics with goblet squat jumps. The traditional EI barbell back squats act as a form of neural potentiation here that not only increases power output for the explosive movement but also helps reinforce proper body mechanics & movement patterns before proceeding to the explosive squat jump. In other words this acts as both a post activation potentiation superset as well as a technique enhancer that grooves the proper neural pathways by optimizing lower body mechanics. And yes proper technique on a squat (unless you’re training for the sport of competitive Olympic lifting or powerlifting) is 90 degrees.
As for rapid eccentric isometrics essentially it’s the same as a traditional eccentric isometrics but with one key difference. The eccentric phase is performed as rapidly as possible before pausing at 90 deg. The rapid eccentric is NOT a result of collapsing or dropping rapidly but occurs because the lifter is actively & aggressively pulling themselves into the 90 degree stretched position using agonist antagonist eccentric-induced co-contraction. This also sets the lifter up for the most explosive concentric phase due to the resulting reciprocal inhibition on the concentric once the lifter releases the co-contraction similar to firing a slingshot. Read more about rapid eccentric isometrics at the following link: https://www.advancedhumanperformance.com/blog/rapid-eccentric-isometrics-the-new-plyometric-athletic-performance
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Many individuals have trouble feeling their lats when rowing. Here's a few quick tips. First, make sure you're keeping a neutral spine throughout with solid t-spine extension and keeping a tight core. Also make sure you're not producing cervical hyperextension as this can completely eliminate tension from the lats. In addition it's important to make sure the shoulders are fully depressed and not elevated at all.
Keep the elbows tucked and use an underhand grip as it's more conducive for activating the lats. Finally, don't over-row at the contracted or top position as this can cause you to use excessive help fro the shoulders and traps. The bar should stop an inch or two from your stomach when rowing.
Also try closing your eyes and squeezing your lats by tuning into the muscle mind connection. You may have to use lighter loads but that's all part of the neuromuscular re-education process.
Option #1
Option #2
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Besides representing an advanced full body exercise that exposes & addresses power, strength, stability, foot & ankle mechanics, core strength, symmetry, body alignment, & overall movement mechanics, this is also one of the more challenging drills you’ll ever perform. Video BC (before corona). Additionally it provides almost immediate feedback about how symmetrical your upper body pressing mechanics are. If you have favor one side or have a weakness on either side of your core & lumbopelvic hip complex you’ll find it impossible to successfully complete these.
Option #1
Option #2
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Power shrugs and jump shrugs are a great alternative to traditional Olympic lifts as they tend to be much more user friendly and low back friendly. That's why I routinely incorporate them into my routines for my athletes as well as other clients. If these bother the low back or the depth is too low, elevate the barbell 2-6 inches on boxes or plates. The snatch grip is also very effective for targeting the upper back and traps.
The eccentric accentuated RDL & power shrug (can also be performed with a brief eccentric isometric pause) is not only a great explosive power movement for the hips as it reinforces forceful & aggressive triple extension, but it’s also a great mass builder for the posterior chain (glutes & hamstrings) as well as the upper back, traps, & more.
Power shrugs are also one of my favorite Olympic lifting modifications for 4 reasons.
It’s much more joint friendly & easy on the shoulders, elbows, & wrists.
Much more user friendly & involves significantly less practice & technical proficiency than most Olympic lifts.
Allows greater overload than traditional Olympic lifts making it not only a great power exercise but also a great functional Mass builder.
The lifter doesn’t have to worry about dropping the weight & re-setting but instead can maintain constant tension on their targeted muscles which further enhances the functional strength & hypertrophy stimulus.
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The stretched ball plank is an extremely intense core exercise that strongly taxes the entire abdominal region and spinal stabilizers. The key is walking your feet back as far as possible as this creates the strongest extension forces that your body will have resist throughout by contracting the core musculature.
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For this particular exercise the goal isn’t just power out and explosion but also stability, force absorption, and deceleration. This has phenomenal benefit not only for hitting and throwing but also for running and sprinting mechanics. Focus on bracing your entire body from head to toe on the landing as a means of helping you stick the landing as Austin shows here. Also try to aim for 90 degree joint angles and setting the hips back rather than collapsing with excessive range of motion and allowing too much anterior knee as that represents faulty lunge mechanics.
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The rapid eccentric isometric pull-up/chin-up variation is a highly advanced yet very effective back exercise that teaches the muscles of the lats, arms, and core, to activate rapidly as a means of absorbing force and quickly decelerating the body. The key is to avoid collapsing at the bottom position by allowing the shoulder to excessively elevate or protract.
Rapid Eccentric Isometrics are an advanced proprietary training technique developed by Dr. Joel Seedman used to increase proprioceptive feedback from muscle spindles with the goal of improving performance and muscle function. Rapid Eccentric Isometrics (REI’s) also improve rate of force development (RFD), Rate of Stabilization Development (RSD), Rate of Force Absorption (RFA), and Reactive Stabilization as the muscles are forced to turn on rapidly to absorb high impact forces. Rapid Eccentric Isometrics should only be used once proper form has been established with standard eccentric isometrics (EI’s).
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Focus on driving the bar up and back at the top position. Use the legs and upper torso to explosively accelerate the bar into the overhead slot position